[Sca-cooks] Bocaditos del Cadí

Suey lordhunt at gmail.com
Sat Sep 8 14:14:46 PDT 2007

 Lininah wrote:
> Confección de «Bocaditos del Cadí»
> Se machacan bien tres partes de azúcar y una de almendras mondadas y 
> se añaden las consabidas especias. Luego se amasa harina como se hace 
> para las roscas, se estira a la larga y se rellena con la pasta 
> preparada, dándole forma de almendras. Se fríen en aceite dulce, se 
> espolvorean con azúcar y se comen.
> LilinahPreparation of "Bocaditos of the Cadi" [little mouthfuls of the 
> judge][1] <#_ftn1>Crush well three parts of sugar and one of cleaned 
> almonds[2] <#_ftn2> and add the usual spices.[don't know which those 
> are - cinnamon is one, for sure]Next knead flour as you do for 
> roscas/spirals, stretch lengthwise, and fill it with the prepared 
> paste, giving it the form of almonds.Fry them in sweet oil, dust them 
> with sugar and eat.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [1] <#_ftnref1> Mosels for the Judge
> [2] <#_ftnref2> Peeled almonds
I would make the above two corrections to Lininah's text.

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