[Sca-cooks] Baysar (with favas) - Fadalat

Suey lordhunt at gmail.com
Sat Sep 8 15:27:13 PDT 2007

Lilinah wrote:
> Otro plato, que se guisa con habas secas trituradas llamado Baysar
> Se coge carne y grasa de un borrego gordo y de los tripicallos. Se 
> cortan, se lavan, se limpian y se ponen en una olla nueva con sal, 
> aceite, pimienta, cilantro seco, comino, cebolla cortada y se pone la 
> olla a la lumbre, moviéndola de cuando en cuando hasta que el agua de 
> la carne se evapora y va a quedarse seca. Entonces se le echa agua 
> caliente para el caldo  y se deja cocer la olla a la lumbre. Luego se 
> cogen !as habas machacadas y se lavan varias veces con agua caliente. 
> Seguidamente se untan de aceite y se ponen en una olla untada de 
> aceite, con agua caliente, una cebolla entera, una cabeza de ajos 
> entera, comino e hinojo, y se pone la olla a cocer a la lumbre, sin 
> dejar de mover hasta que las habas están tiernas. Si antes de estar 
> cocidas se seca el agua, se les añade agua caliente, hasta que quedan 
> bastante cocidas. Luego se toma sal y se disuelve en un plato; se coge 
> una cuchara, se rncte en la olla, se echa la sal y se remueven las 
> habas, estrujándolas con la cuchara, hasta que se deslíen. Se cuela, 
> se sazona de sal y se deja. Luego se mira la carne, y si está ya 
> cocida, se le añaden las habas poco a poco para que se mezclen con la 
> carne, dejando la olla sobre el rescoldo, durante un rato, para que 
> vaya enfriándose, Se sirve en una fuente y se come.
> Another Dish, that is stewed with dry crushed favas[1] <#_ftn1>, 
> called BaysarTake meat and fat of a fat lamb and the tripe. Cut them, 
> wash them, clean them and put them in a new pot[2] <#_ftn2> with salt, 
> oil, pepper, coriander seed[3] <#_ftn3>, cumin, cut onion[4] 
> <#_ftn4>,and put the pot on the fire, moving it sometimes until the 
> water of the meat evaporates and it is going to remain dry.[5] 
> <#_ftn5> (this line clearly needs improvement)Then put hot water for 
> the broth in it and let the pot cook on the fire.Next take crushed 
> favas and wash them several times with hot water.Next they are greased 
> with oil and they are put in a pot greased with oil,with hot water, a 
> whole onion, a whole head of garlic, cumin and fennel,and put the pot 
> to cook on the fire, without letting to move until favas are tender.If 
> before being cooked the water dries up, add hot water to them,until 
> they are cooked enough.Next take salt and dissolve it in a dish; take 
> a spoon, put it in the pot, add the salt and remove the favas, 
> squeezing them with the spoon, until they disunite[6] <#_ftn6> (pop 
> open? pop out of their skins?). Strain it, season it with salt and 
> leave it. Next look at the meat, and if it is already cooked, little 
> by little add the favas mix with the meat, leaving the pot on the 
> embers, during awhile, so that it is mix with the meat, leaving the 
> pot on the embers, during awhile, so that it is cooled off[7] 
> <#_ftn7>. Serve it in a platter and eat it.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [1] <#_ftnref1> pureed fava beans.
> [2] <#_ftnref2> Someone had an explanation for this which I cannot 
> find now but medieval Spanish pots at least had a very short life time 
> because the ordors from previous cookings stayed in them or something 
> to that effect. If anyone remembers the explanation perhaps it would 
> helpful to put a footnote into the first recipe calling for a new pot.
> [3] <#_ftnref3> How do you justify that? I would call it dried cilantro.
> [4] <#_ftnref4> chopped onion.
> [5] <#_ftnref5> stirring it from time to time to draw the moisture out 
> of the meat. When dry add hot water. . .
> [6] <#_ftnref6> mash fabas beans until pureed
> [7] <#_ftnref7> for a while to let it cool.
My suggested corrections are in the footnotes.

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