[Sca-cooks] A proposal: Das Kochbuch der Philippine Welser

ranvaig at columbus.rr.com ranvaig at columbus.rr.com
Sat Sep 27 05:12:23 PDT 2008

> > vnnd thue jn
> > an das ding das du ayn machen wilt Es sey jmber paredeyss
> > epfoll oder ander ding
>And pout it with the thing you want to preserve, be it ginger, 'paradise apples' or other things
>What really interests me is what those 'paradise apples' are.

Modernly, Paradise apples are a type of crabapple.


Fruit - raw, cooked in pies, cakes etc or fermented into cider[183]. The taste can be sweet and pleasant. The fruit can be up to 6cm in diameter[200].

Used as a dwarfing rootstock in medieval France: " the diminutive, crab-apple-like, shrubby Pomme de Paradiz or Paradise apple".

On the other hand, this page says the Germans called tomatoes Apples of Paradise.  I'm not saying that the recipe calls for tomatoes, but it does make you wonder.

The dictionary translates tomato as "Paradeiser" m Ös.


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