[Sca-cooks] period finger/party foods

Stefan li Rous StefanliRous at austin.rr.com
Tue Jan 20 21:46:25 PST 2009

I asked:
  <<< 1. To whom is the party open to. anybody or only peers and  
2. When will it be? >>>

Though Jane and Angelo held a party at Gulf Wars last year (at least I
assume it went off - I missed it being at Duncan's Vigil on the other  
of Calontir's camp), Calontir has not generally held a party at Gulf  
Wars in
many years. That said, I've no clue what TRMs Luther and Mearwynn  
plan. >>>

Okay. I'm not usually one in the 'in' circle so I usually don't learn  
of such things. This is one reason I have really liked the "bardic"  
and "revel" that started showing up at Pennsic several years ago.

<< As far as who the party is open to... A party open only to peers  
and royalty
would be so far separated from Calontir culture that I think it is  
safe to
say its bloody unlikely to happen.


Thank you. I don't like just wandering into a party not knowing  
whether I'm invited or not.

<<< I believe there is plans to have a party at Estrella, and Pennsic.
The Calontir Cooks guild a few years back brainstormed on how to get  
hooked on period food "Taste of Calontir" is what came up. About 4  
more) events a year they have a table with samples of food and the  
This seems to have put recipes in the hands of people who normally are
interested in things other than cooking but is willing to make an  
effort to
add to the ambiance of a potluck party. Also we do have a lot of  
people that
like to cook, especially in Grimfelles. :)

De >>>

I think these 'tasting tables' may have been talked about on this  
list several years ago. If anyone is interested in some more details,  
or anyone wants to add some comments pro or con, here is the file I  
assembled. In the FEASTS section of the Florilegium:
tasting-tabls-msg  (8K) 11/28/07    Introducing people to medieval  
foods using
                                        food samples and tasting tables.

How is distributing the recipes handled? Is there just a centralized  
stack of recipes/redactions that someone has printed off?  Is there a  
separate stack of recipes at each dish?

Locally I do try to get folks to consider making a period dish for  
pot lucks and such. There are a number of folks (like me) who are  
unlikely to ever cook a feast but are willing to try a single dish or  
two from time to time.

THLord Stefan li Rous    Barony of Bryn Gwlad    Kingdom of Ansteorra
    Mark S. Harris           Austin, Texas           
StefanliRous at austin.rr.com
**** See Stefan's Florilegium files at:  http://www.florilegium.org ****

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