[Sca-cooks] Rice and servings

Antonia Calvo ladyadele at paradise.net.nz
Mon Jan 5 11:28:38 PST 2009

Christiane wrote:
>  Estimated serving sizes I found on an ag extension Website talked of 1 pound of rice being 12 servings.
> I figured one 15-pound bag of rice should do it for the event, which could range from 50 to 120 people, depending on weather and daytrippers. My question is, am I underestimating?

No.  You are overestimating by quite a bit.  People always eat much less 
rice than you expect.  I would suggest no more than 8lb of rice. 

(and in future, never try to cook for 50-120 people- get bookings :-)  )

Antonia di Benedetto Calvo 

Habeo metrum - musicamque,
hominem meam. Expectat alium quid?
-Georgeus Gershwinus

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