[Sca-cooks] Rice and servings

Antonia Calvo ladyadele at paradise.net.nz
Mon Jan 5 14:47:29 PST 2009

Greg Wardlaw wrote:

>Ok I cooked rice just the other day and pretty much fed 150-175 with 3 quarts (dry) white rice.   Now granted these were kids but we serve them just under 1/2 cup and I serve 10 kids per quart (cooked rice)  that equals out to 8 adult servings.....I don't know if that helps but I would estimate that it was about 6-8 lbs of rice....

That's as much as I would make.  People at feasts always eat much less 
rice than you initially imagine.  Same goes for pasta, couscous, groats, 
frumenty, etc.

Antonia di Benedetto Calvo

Habeo metrum - musicamque,
hominem meam. Expectat alium quid?
-Georgeus Gershwinus

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