[Sca-cooks] Vinegar Making Instructions - England (or other countries) 1500

wheezul at canby.com wheezul at canby.com
Fri Apr 30 09:41:48 PDT 2010

Greetings Maestro of the good smelling cologne...

Küchenmeisterei from 1516 has vinegar making instructions (Part V,
Chapters 1-12).  I could transcribe and translate if you'd like.  There
are earlier editions (1487) of this cookbook (also at the same site as
below). I haven't had time to hunt through 15th century German cook books
yet with a cataloging zeal, but there may well be more instructions to be
found.  Do you want me to look?

The recipes/instructions:


Quickly scanning I think the recipes are approximately as follows:

I. is sour grape based using old vinegar as a starter
II. is taking aged wine and setting it in the sun or by the fire
III. is old vinegar and wine in a crock, simmered in a kettle of water
IV. is wine simmered with a egg size piece of sourdough in a cloth
V. is boiled wine buried in the cellar for three days and then reboiled
VI. is made in a spherical glass (distilling glass?) or a crock. Wine is
simmered and fortified with red willow wood, ginger and long pepper and
has either sourdough from a raised bread, or hot baked bread added.
VII. Are instructions to make quick vinegar.
VIII. How to transport vinegar over land.
IX. is a baked loaf of rye and vinegar mother, repeatedly soaked in
vinegar and oven dried.  Vinegar on a journey can be made by putting
pieces of the loaf in wine.
X.  If I understand this correctly this is vinegar made from grape seeds.
XI. Instructions for beer vinegar - beer, beer yeast, herbs and white
willow wood.
XII. Another method of beer vinegar production using white willow wood.

Katrine in Three Mountains

> It’s not 1500 but the English volume Maison rustique, or The countrey
> farme has full instructions.
> Of the manner of making Vineger.

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