[Sca-cooks] "Mushroom" recipe from Eberhard

Daniel Myers dmyers at medievalcookery.com
Wed Dec 8 10:21:03 PST 2010


I came across the recipe below by chance thought the title sounded
interesting, but I'm having trouble understanding what's going on here
(maybe I'm just a bit slow today, or maybe something got lost in
translation).  Are the knots really knots, or are the pretzels or some

After re-reading it again (and again), I think it's using a knot (rope?)
as a form for a fried shell, then filling the shell and baking it.

Anyone here have any thoughts on it?


- Doc


This is an excerpt from Das Kochbuch des Meisters Eberhard
(Germany, 15th century - Giano Balestriere, trans.)

If you want to make mushrooms around Christmas. Take a batter made from
white bread and a little flour and break eggs into it and tie two large
knots and throw them into the batter and move them around in it and put
them into lard that is not too hot. When they are baked a little, take
them out again and cut it open across the middle of the knot and fill it
with hard-boiled eggs and dip it into a mild batter, place it in lard
and bake it, then put the mushrooms in there and let them bake.

Wiltu machen morchen vmb weihennachtenn. So nym ein teick auß weissem
brot vnd auß ein wenig melbs vnd schla eyer dar an vnd mach zwen knebel
vnd wurff die in den teick vnd zeuch sie darInnen vmb vnd leg sie in ein
schmalcz, das nit zu heyß sej, vnd wenn es ein wenig gepack, so nym es
her wider auß vnd schneyd es dann mitten auff dem knebel auff von
einander vnd full es dann mit ein geruntenn eyernn vnd zeuch es durch
einen linden straubenn teick, leg es in ein schmalcz vnd laß es pachenn
vnd secz die morchen dar ein vnd laß sie pachenn.


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