[Sca-cooks] Epulario 1517

David Walddon david at vastrepast.com
Sun Jan 10 15:42:08 PST 2010

There are significant changes from the 1517 edition to the English
translation. It is not the source material for the translation (at least not
I have the microfilms for both and have compared them (not in depth) but
enough to know that there is additional info.
If you are looking for something to translate Westbury is a good place to
start. There are several carving manuals that would be good projects.


On 1/10/10 3:35 PM, "emilio szabo" <emilio_szabo at yahoo.it> wrote:



Along related lines ...  . I'm familiar with the _Epulario_ that's a
late 16th c. English translation of an Italian cookbook. Recently I 
was in
> the rare books room of the U of Chicago library and discovered 
that they have
> several 16th c. editions of the Italian Epulario--same 
subtitle (only in
> Italian), so pretty clearly the original that was 
translated. I've arranged
> for them to send me a photocopy of the 
earliest, I think 1537 or so. >>

> first edition is from 1517, if I remember well.  

Look here for an early
> online 
> copy.

> -book/year.aspx

Author:  ROSSELLI Giovanni de' (XVI-XVII cent.) 
> Opera
noua chiamata Epulario quale tracta il modo de cucinare ogni
> carne,
vcelli, pesci, de ogni sorte. Et fare sapori, torte, pastelli, al
> modo
de tutte le prouincie: et molte altre gentilezze. Composta per
> maestro
Giouanne de Rosselli. Francese.
 (New work called a Epulario,
> information on how to cook all types of meat, poultry, and fish.
And how to
> make cakes and cookis in all regional varieties, and more.
Complied by master
> Giouanne de Rosselli. French.)
Language: Italian
City of Publication:
> Venice
Publisher: Niccolo Zoppino e Vincenzo di Paolo
Printer: Giacomo
> Penzio
Date of Publication: 1517
Other Editions: Venice,
Penzio, 1517, 1518;
> Venice, Benalio, 1519; Venice, Bendoni, 1521, 1533;
Rome, Mascardi, 1614;
> Venice, Imberti, 1619; Venice, Righettini, 1626;
Trevigi, Righettini, 1643;
> Venice­Bassano, Remondini, 1674; Venice,
Curti, 1683; facsimile: Rome, Riccio,
> 1973.
Format: Standard Italian Format 8
Pagination: [12], 31 c.
> Cookbook
Subjects: Cucina; Recipes; Table Presentation: service
> Rosselli, whose biography is uncertain, gathered and published the material of
> Maestro Martino of Como. 


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