[Sca-cooks] SC - Toasting salamander/Neapolitan Collection

Johnna Holloway johnnae at mac.com
Mon Jul 26 07:17:45 PDT 2010

This is one of these problems that we encounter and never mention.
(Manuscripts get dated in various ways. When they were written,  
copied, or finally printed may be cited in various places.)

Looking at the records for the actual manuscript, The Pierpont Morgan  
Library lists the manuscript
under Notes: Ms. cookbook; written in Naples at the end of the  
fifteenth century.

It was a bequest to the library in 1985.
"Bühler manuscripts (MS B.1-MS B.61): Among the many volumes  
bequeathed to the Library by Dr. Curt F. Bühler (1905-1985) was his  
collection of sixty-one medieval and Renaissance manuscripts. Dr.  
Bühler, who worked in the Department of Printed Books for fifty-two  
years, serving for many of them as its Keeper of Printed Books, was  
one of the world's leading authorities on the art and history of books  
printed during the fifteenth century. The manuscripts reflect his  
research interests, which were textual rather than art historical;  
consequently, they add another dimension to the Library's holdings.  
Especially intriguing is a late-fifteenth-century Neapolitan cookbook  
(MS B.19)."

The detailed bibliography and descriptions for it say to check:

MS B.19

Ryskamp, Charles, ed., Twenty-First Report to the Fellows of the  
Pierpont Morgan
Library, 1984-1986, New York, 1989, 32.

Kristeller, Paul Oskar, Iter Italicum, V, London, 1990, 345.

Benporat, Claudio, Cucina italiana del quattrocento, Florence, 1996.

Scully, Terence, ed. and trans., with Rudolf Grewe, Cuoco Napoletano:   
The Neapolitan
Recipe Collection (New York Morgan Library, MS Bühler, 19), Ann Arbor,  

So where does the information about the watermark appear? Scully just  
mentions the watermark is second half of the 15th century. We can  
write to the library and find out if they have more information as of  
this date.


On Jul 26, 2010, at 9:50 AM, David Walddon wrote:

> The one of the water marks on the paper from the Neapolitan Collection
> (which I usually refer to as Buhler 19) seems to indicate that this  
> specific
> manuscript can NOT be from a time earlier than the 1490's. IIRC the
> watermark did not exist until 1493 or there abouts.

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