[Sca-cooks] This is rather outside our period, but...

Stefan li Rous StefanliRous at austin.rr.com
Sun Jun 6 01:27:54 PDT 2010

Laurai Zemaijita pointed us towards an ebay copy of Hannah Glasse's cookbook and said:
<<< Also, if this is inappropriate to post here, a thousand apologies.

- Laurai Zemaijita (SCA newbie) >>>

Welcome to the SCA and this SCA-Cooks list!

Don't be worried about whether that was an inappropriate post or not. It is certainly a lot more on topic than a lot of our discussions. You will find that we often discuss things that don't have much to do with period cooking or even cooking at all. Gunthar keeps a friendly "livingroom" and if we do get out of line, he will shut an argument which is getting too "violent" down.  We have had some intense discussions but very little that would be considered flame wars.  Many of us first met "virtually" on this list and became friends and later met up at some of the large interkingdom events such as Pennsic and Gulf Wars. So, as friendly discussions can, and will, we often travel away from the stricter definitions of this list.

I run a good-sized website full of medieval and SCA material called "Stefan's Florilegium".  Most recipes that get posted here and often the key points of many discussions get posted there. The address is in my signature block below. You might want to visit it sometime.

I would recommend first looking through the NEWCOMERS section there.

One very abbreviated version of one of our stronger worded discussions, mostly between two of our most expert members, Master Adamantius and Master Cariadoc can be found in this file in the FOOD section:
cuskynoles-msg (46K) 3/30/08 A medieval fruit-filled pasta dish.

One of the very few medieval recipes which includes a diagram, and we still haven't been able to get agreement on what the diagram means. We have since then found out it isn't the only one with a diagram.

If you can give us an idea where your interest in medieval cooking lies, I may be able to point you towards other files or folks here may be able to help with some suggestions.  We have people of all cooking levels. From folks just learning to cook, much less learning to cook medieval foods to people who have cooked SCA feasts for hundreds of people to people who have been or are, professional chefs. Some of use enjoy cooking individual dishes but are unlikely to ever cook a large SCA feast (ie: me). Many are food researchers who are doing leading edge work in historical recipes and foods.


THLord Stefan li Rous    Barony of Bryn Gwlad    Kingdom of Ansteorra
   Mark S. Harris           Austin, Texas          StefanliRous at austin.rr.com
**** See Stefan's Florilegium files at:  http://www.florilegium.org ****

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