[Sca-cooks] Smoked and Pickled: Sources and Recipes?

Sharon Palmer ranvaig at columbus.rr.com
Wed Sep 1 23:03:02 PDT 2010

>A third approach is smoking. One can get hard 
>sausages that keep without refrigeration, 
>although most of them have pork, making them 
>unsuited to my (muslim) persona. Does anyone 
>have sources for smoked meat or fish that will 
>keep? Most modern smoked food seems to be smoked 
>only for flavor, and not enough for preservation.

This recipe from Rumpolt that describe smoking 
meat to be kept.  (Several others describe 
smoking meat that is then cooked/ served 

Ochsen 11. Smoked stuffed tongue. Take a raw 
Tongue and cut the meat out from the Skin/ slice 
meat of the ox/ that is not fat/ also Pig meat 
that is well softened (cooked to jelly?)/ one so 
much as the other nicely small/ and that no water 
comes in/ grind salt in a mortar/ and beat a 
little pepper/ and take twice so much salt as 
pepper/ and rub it with the hands/ before you it 
stuff/ put it then into the tongues/ and tie it 
tightly/ dont hang it in the chimney/ but in 
smoke where no heat comes/ let it hang in there a 
week or four/ like this the inside is nicely red/ 
and keep it for a year or two/ put not make in 
summer but instead in the winter when it is cold. 
And when you wish to eat it/ then let boil an 
hour or two/ pull out/ and let become cold/ and 
when you it wish to slice it/ then pull the skin 
off/ as then you will see if you filled it firmly 
or not. If you it filled that it so that it is 
firm so let it be sliced/ if it is not hard/ then 
give it whole on a table/ like this it is a good 

Rumpolt also mentions these smoked foods, but doesn't give directions:
bacon (Speck), meat (Fleisch), goose (Gaenß), 
sturgeon (Stoer) , capon, pork (Spänsaw), venison 
tongue (Hirsch Zungen.), pork sausage (Schweinen 
Würst.), salmon (Salm), pheasant (Fasan), tongue 
(Zung, beef (Rindtfleisch), veal (Kalbfleisch), 
calves feet (Kälbernfueß), mutton feet (Fueß von 
dem Hammel), rabbit (Küniglein), trout (Foren). 
pike liver (Hechten Leber), pike (Hecht), carp 
(Karpffen), lamprey eel (Neunaugen), mutton 
(Hammelfleisch), chicken (Hennen), turnips 
(Stickelruben), whitefish (Renken)


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