[Sca-cooks] Crepe spreaders...

Phil Troy / G. Tacitus Adamantius adamantius1 at verizon.net
Sun Sep 26 06:12:48 PDT 2010

On Sep 26, 2010, at 4:36 AM, Stefan li Rous wrote:

> Adamantius mentioned:
> <<< By sheerest coincidence I was in a restaurant supply store today buying a wok shovel (child made off with ours for his school apartment kitchen), and I actually saw for sale a package of five wooden crepe spreaders for something like $6.99 US. I didn't buy them, though...>>>
> Were they all the same size? I assume so, but of course don't know.
> Why would you need five of them? Perhaps it is a matter of handling and shipping costs and one or two might still be $3 or whatever?

Well, in this case they came in a package, so if they were for sale in smaller increments, it wasn't at that location. I assume you might need five for the same reason you might want several inexpensively-made wooden spoons; they looked not to be carefully made from hardwood or anything. I guess you want them to be somewhat heat resistant, inexpensive, and if they get impregnated with grunge, throw them away. I do suppose to some extent they might absorb a little oil and improve with discreet aging versus a brand new one, but never having used one, I couldn't say.

And then, of course, it may be assumed that if it's a commercial tool, you may have more than one person doing it.
> Or is there a problem with wooden utensils in a commercial kitchen? Do they end up needing to be cleaned often, such that you need several to work with while the others are being cleaned? I do assume that you are likely to have several of these crepe grills and wish to have one for each. Do wood utensils get broken or otherwise made unusable often? I've never worked in a commercial food environment.

As mentioned above, there are high-quality, expensive wooden utensils, which get well-maintained and last a long time, and then there's the cheaper stuff which gets thrown away and replaced frequently. However, if possible, it's less cost-effective to do it that way.


"Most men worry about their own bellies, and other people's souls, when we all ought to worry about our own souls, and other people's bellies."
			-- Rabbi Israel Salanter

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