[Sca-cooks] Mattioli's Tomato Entry in German

wheezul at canby.com wheezul at canby.com
Fri Feb 11 14:46:51 PST 2011

> Actually the Mattioli mention (two lines) of tomatoes is buried in a two
> page
> description of egg plants. The specific text in Mattioli is:
> "Portansi ai tempi nostri d'un'altra spetie in Italia schiacciate come le
> mela
> rose e fatte a spicchi, di colore prima verde e come sono mature di color
> d'oro
> le quali pur si mangiano nel medesimo modo (delle melanzane)".
> Translation: One can find in our time another species in Italy segmented
> like a
> rose hip and made in segments, first of color green and when it is mature
> of
> color gold the which one eats in the same way (as the eggplant)
> And that is IT.

Hi Helewyse,

I'm referring to the German version of Mattioli which does contain
references to cooked tomatoes and the medicinal boiling in oil.

The eggplant and tomatoes in this entry are broken up into two parts.


In this 1590 edition the sections between the eggplant and tomato are
clearly delineated, and I find no ambiguity here.  It seems that it is not
the same as the Italian version.  I do not know enough about the history
of this German edition to know why that might be so, or who may have added
or organized the information.

For clarity's sake, I'll attempt to translate the entry for you which
starts on the second page.  The herbal is set up with a descriptive
section, a section for use on the inside of the body and one for the
outside. I'm a rank beginner in diseases of the era, so anyone feel free
to chime in.  Finally, it is hard to tell if the "sind in allen Garten
gemein worden" a commentary on its common prevalence, or its ease of

Goldöpffel.  Poma aurea.

Man nennt diese an ein theil orten Amoris Poma, sind in allen Gärten ge-
mein worden / darumb es nit viel beschreibens bedarff.  Die Frucht / wie
allhie angedeu-
tet / ist rund vnd breit / rot / goldgelb oder braun / wirt offt sehr groß
/ gehet jährlich von dem
Samen auff / das Kraut hat einen starcken unlieblichen Geruch / derwegen
es etliche zu
dem Lycopersico ziehen.  Andere dieweil der Safft diese Krauts zu den
Augen gut ist /
vnd derselben mangel / Glaucium genannt / Item / zu dem Rotlauff vnd
andern hitzigen
Flüssen / vermeinen sie es könne für das Glaucium genommen werden.

Natur/Krafft/vund Wirckung.
In Leib.
In Welschland pflege diese Frücht etliche zu essen mit Pfeffer / Oel vnd
Essig ge-
kocht / aber es ist ein ungesund Speiß / vnd die gantz wenig nahrung geben

Diese Oepffel in Oel gesotten oder an der Sonnen wol macerirt, sind gut
die hi-
tzige Ruede damit geschmieret.
Goldöpffel/Lateinisch Pomum aureum, vel Amoris.  Welsch Pomi d'oro.  Fran-
tzösich Pomme d'amours.

(Non Diacritical mark version at the end)

Gold Apple. Poma aurea.

One calls these in some places also Amoris Poma, [they] are in all gardens
common grown/therefore it is not necessary to write much.  The fruit/as
even here is interpreted/
is round and wide / red / golden yellow or brown  / is often quite large
/grows annually from see / the plant has an unlovely smell / therefore is
sometimes grown as Lycopersico.   Alternately because the sap of this
plant is good for the eyes/
and the same plant / Glaucium is known / Item / for the Rotlauf and other hot
fluxes / you can think to give Glaucium for that.

In the Body
In Italy these fruit serve sometimes to be eaten with pepper / oil and
vinegar cooked / but it is an unhealthy food / and can give very little

These apples boiled in oil or softened by the sun, are good
smeared on hot mange.
Gold apples/ Latine Pomum aureum, also Amoris.  Italian Pomi d'oro.  French
Pomme d'amours.

(Diacritical mark free)
Goldopffel.  Poma aurea.

Man nennt diese an ein theil orten Amoris Poma, sind in allen Garten ge-
mein worden / darumb es nit viel beschreibens bedarff.  Die Frucht / wie
allhie angedeu-
tet / ist rund vnd breit / rot / goldgelb oder braun / wirt offt sehr
gros/ gehet jahrlich von dem
Samen auff / das Kraut hat einen starcken unlieblichen Geruch / derwegen
es etliche zu
dem Lycopersico ziehen.  Andere dieweil der Safft diese Krauts zu den
Augen gut ist /
vnd derselben mangel / Glaucium genannt / Item / zu dem Rotlauff vnd
andern hitzigen
Flussen / vermeinen sie es konne fur da Glaucium genommen werden.

Natur/Krafft/vund Wirckung.
In Leib.
In Welschland pflege diese Frücht etliche zu essen mit Pfeffer / Oel vnd
Essig ge-
kocht / aber es ist ein ungesund Speiss / vnd die gantz wenig nahrung
geben kan.

Diese Oepffel in Oel gesotten oder an der Sonnen wol macerirt, sind gut
die hi-
tzige Ruede damit geschmieret.
Goldopffel/Lateinisch Pomum aureum, vel Amoris.  Welsch Pomi d'oro.  Fran-
tzosich Pomme d'amours.

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