[Sca-cooks] Jelly Donuts in 15th c. Germany

Terry Decker t.d.decker at att.net
Mon Dec 9 19:15:32 PST 2013

> Bear said (translated?):
> <<< "Likewise, with the same dough, make apple (und?) turnovers or filled
> turnovers with roasted apples or pears or calves brains or mince meat made
> from small forest birds with spices and salt." >>>
> I think of roasted apples or pears being still somewhat firm. But not 
> "calves brains or mince meat from small forest birds". Are the first two 
> sweet, while the second two are savory? Either way, that seems to be quite 
> a wide range of possibilities.

Since there is no time specified on the roasted or baked fruit, the 
consistency could be anywhere from apple pie filling to apple sauce.  From 
modern experience, the filling of Apfelkrapfen is about that of apple pie.

> Would "mince meat made from small forest birds " be boneless or include 
> bones?


> I think when asking for a donut, I'll have to start asking for "a 
> **fruit** jelly donut. :-)
> It's the SCA. Who knows what you will get if you aren't careful.
> Stefan

If you want a jelly doughnut try Berlinerkrapfen or Pfannkuchen.  The first 
is a southern German usage, the second from northern Germany around Berlin. 
You still need to be careful, some people make mustard filled Berliners as a 
joke.  And Pfannkuchen, outside of Berlin and the states bordering Poland, 
is the humble pancake.


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