[Sca-cooks] Happy Holidays and Santa Stuff

morgana morgana at gci.net
Tue Dec 31 06:29:06 PST 2013

On Dec 30, 2013, at 2:16 PM, Elise Fleming <alysk at ix.netcom.com> wrote:

> Johnnae wrote:
> >I am reminded yet again that We used to celebrate and share what we >were served and ate over the holidays.
> >To get that ball rolling, we had ham for Christmas lunch in lieu of me >grilling steaks.

I spent a pleasant Christmas at friends, eating the traditional turkey, ham, taters, stuffing and homemade rolls, followed by various pies. We then killed the rest of the evening playing Texas/Mexican train dominoes.

Tonight I shall stay home peacefully, as it has been some time since I partied hearty on New Year's Eve, and would wish to avoid drunks driving. I have a small steak to prepare with a baked potato. 

I don't do near as much cooking as I used to.

No cooking gifts, but I did receive a wooden jigsaw puzzle and a 1,000-piece Gorey.

Drive carefully if you're out on the roads!

Morgana, staying warm in Oertha

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