[Sca-cooks] Kanz: First olive recipe

Galefridus Peregrinus galefridus at optimum.net
Fri Sep 27 08:28:23 PDT 2013

I've only gotten about a sentence or so into the first olive cure in the 
Kanz al-Fawa'id, but that one sentence is very interesting. I've looked 
at dozens of olive cures from antiquity to the 14th century, and found 
only one that came even close to using lye. All of the rest have used 
something else to accomplish the cure. But this first recipe from the 
Kanz calls for lime -- not the fruit, but the mineral. I'm pretty 
excited about this discovery -- hopefully I'll have time to complete the 
translation over the next few days and see where it goes!

-- Galefridus

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