[Sca-cooks] Broken brawn recipe?

Alexander Clark alexbclark at pennswoods.net
Mon Sep 9 12:40:02 PDT 2013

On Sun Sep 8 20:04:13 PDT 2013, Johnna Holloway (johnnae at mac.com) wrote:
>I own a copy of An Ordinance of Pottage. There are a number of brawn recipes.
89-91 are the recipes of most interest. But much better is the original!

Just what I wanted: a challenge. :-)

>Daniel Myers has written that the Wagstaff Miscellany is available online.
>That link is broken but this one works.

What I found there goes up to about twenty recipes short of the mark.

>Ok you can see original mss at:
>According to Hieatt, recipes begin on ff56-76.
>And the brawn recipes start at 66r.
>So you can read the original there

How did you know I could read the original? That handwriting is horrible! :-)

Here's what I've got so far:

        _Brawn ryal brawn cypres brawn bruse_
Take fresch brawn boyle hit in fayre watyr till hit be tend[r] blaun
che almondys greynd hem draw hem up with the same broth & a
p[ar]ty of wyn as hote as thu may than make thi milke hote & do thy
brawn in a strayno[r] hot & draw hit with the mylke hott do ther to
sygure a grete dele venyger set hit on the fyre boyle hit salt
hit do hit in a vessel when hit ys cold yf thu ?????? haue
hit out of the vessel with out hote waty[r?] or a 3enst the fire lay
a cloth in a bord & turne the vessell topsodowne ther on & schak
the vessell that hit falle oute out ther in the lech & serue hit for
the iij or iiij in a dysch & strew on poudyr of gyng[r] or pary[d] gyng[r]
mynsyd with anneyce clouys macys & anneys in comfite yf thu wilt thu may
draw som ther of with the same broth & with a party of wyne with out mylke
coloure as bryght as lambur with eny colour saf saffron heu? when hit ys
cold & floresch that othir ther with or els thu mayst cut -that-other-
hit in leches
as thu doste that othyr & serue hit forth in same man[r] or thu may turne hit in
othir colour yf thu wilt haue a grene draw hit with mylke of almond[s?] in
to a morter & safron ther with or els put safron when hit ys growndyn ???he
or lyty?? ????? thu wylt make thi colour & colour hit ther with when thu ta
kyst hit from the fyre & do ther with as thu dedyst with the todyr and yf
thu wilt thu may do ther yn poudres or thu may put ther yn a grete quantyte
of canell & of gynger & of sawndres to make hit brown & serue hit forthe in
the same manner Or yf thu wilt thu wilt thu may take tursele & wesch
hit & grind hit
well in wyn that thu sesonnste hit up with and when hit ys boylyd co
loure hit up with blo??e sa?gueyn whethir thu wilt & do there with as thu
dedist with the tothyr or thu may if thu wilt when thu takyst hit fro [th]e
fyre & haue al seson[?] hit haue brawn sodyn tendyr & when hit ys cold[?]
cut hit in leches or dyse hit & cast hit in the pott & stere hit to gedyr & put
hit in to that othyr pott vessell when hit ys cold lech hit & do ther
with as thu dodyst with that othir & serue hit forth

In the above I used odd characters as follows:
[expanded from superscript or other mark]
?=I dunno


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