[Scriptoris] Champion Prize scroll commissions available

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 8 13:02:38 PST 2006

Greetings Scribes of Ansteorra, 

The following Ansteorran Prize Championship original scroll commissions are currently available
for consignment to Ansteorran Scribes.  

For Reign of Aaron and Britta: 
Premier Bard of Ansteorra -  for event at Steppes 12th Night, Jan 6th

For Reign of Romanius and Deanna: 
Kingdom Artisan - for event at Rosenfeld, Kingdom A&S, Feb 10th
Royal Huntsman - event unknown yet
King's Lancer - for event at Bryn Gwlad, May 12th 
(other champion scrolls for their reign have already been consigned)

For Gulf War championships: 
Possibility of three prize scrolls requested, to be announced later. 

If you are interested in accepting one or more of these commissions, please contact Star Signet as
soon as possible.   For scroll texts and size requirements, see the Ansteorran Award Text document
at: http://heraldry.ansteorra.org/docs/AwardTexts2005.pdf
Please remember that the scroll size listed for each prize, is the full scroll size, including
artwork and border. 

I look forward to viewing the wondrous works of the Ansteorran scribes for their Majesties
pleasure.  And don't forget that these commissions maybe entered in the Coronation scroll

In service, Hillary Greenslade, Star Signet

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