[Scriptoris] Ansteorran Champions original scrolls

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 16 15:57:36 PST 2006

--- Sandra D <lady_sabine_dubois at yahoo.com> wrote:
>   I do like the idea of a competition to produce the scrolls though.  I didn't realize  that we
> could turn in original scrolls to be held until they are needed.  That way you don't have to
> wait for a commission to come available.
>   Sabine
Absolutely, I'd love to have a backstock of fully completed champion scrolls, perhaps even peerage
scrolls, to be pulled as needed and have a calligrapher fill in the name, just like a regular
charter scroll.   If you are bored waiting for me to put out a commission for an original scroll
or have nothing to work on for originals till the next baronial championship - well, what are you
waiting on?  The champion scroll texts are online ---> go to it.  

Cheers, Hillary

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