SR - principality playmates

Dennis and/or Dory Grace amazing at
Fri Feb 20 11:58:18 PST 1998

to my:
>>> (I gotta say I rather winced when you talked about "rejecting"
>>> groups. I think if a group in our region is interested in supporting a
>>> principality, then welcome and well met; we'll need all the hands we're
>>> offered.)

Gunnora offers:
>You also have to look at creating a viable unit.  If there is enough
>this kingdom could form more than one principality easily.  It may be that
>there are some groups which would do better to go with a different
>principality.  That's not rejection, just practicality.

It wasn't the concept that bothered me so much as the language. "Reject" is
just such an icky word to use when talking about friends, practicality or no.

>The West has been working towards becoming a principality for a while, but
>htey've never had a stable base of peers (required by Corpora) needed to
form a
>principality.  Now, this begs the question of the people that they *do* have
>who should really have long since been recognized as Pelicans, but if the
>unites with us here in the midsection of Ansteorra, then they have everything
>needed to go for principality - numbers, peers, and most of all, desire

Why doesn't someone drop Mendersham and Bonwicke a note and just see how
they feel about the *possibility* of joining in? Bringing possibilities up
doesn't obligate anyone to anything, and I think it would be interesting to
hear their take on the matter. The only concern I'd have about including
the western region would be that, while Bonwicke is a healthy jog off,
Adlersruhe is just way the hell and gone up there. Are they maybe closer to
places in the Northern region? Who do they play with most? And while I'm
all for strength in size and healthy diversity, I'm a little reluctant to
want to go *too* big. I think right now we're better off to concentrate on
discovering what our southern region wants and go from there. Hey, Dieter,
how goes the straw poll? Let me make the suggestion that each of the groups
here in the south introduce this discussion in their next business/populace
meeting so we can start getting some feedback from folks not on the list.
What say?


Dory Grace--The Inkwell
denouncer of Tytyvylus & warrior crone
amazing at
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