SR - Beginning new traditions (was Committee List & Regional Newsletter

Brent & Susan Rachel hbrache at
Tue Jul 14 16:08:10 PDT 1998

Casey&Coni wrote:

> Kaz said:
> >Seriously, I have reviewed the various laws trying to note major
> >philosophical/emotional differences among them, but more importantly
> differences
> >between them and the way things are viewed/done here in Ansteorra.  I am
> doing
> >this with the goal of creating "discussion points" for us to kick around.
> An
> >example:  some principalities have the outgoing Prince invest the incoming
> >Prince.  Others have the Crown do it.  etc.....  When this list of
> discussion
> >points is completed I intend distribute this information as widely as
> possible to
> >try to get a feel for what people prefer.
> *SNIP*
> Cool detail that I don't think a lot of folks have put thought into yet,
> Kaz... my gut reaction is to have the King do the first one (symbolizing a
> sense of legitimacy and fostering acceptance) and then let it go from Prince
> and Princess to their heirs from that time on, allowing us to start our own
> traditions and flavor.  What's everybody else's slant on this one?

Many in the room thought that having the King invest each successive Prince
would do MUCH tl alay the concerns of many who do not want to go on a become a
Kingdom.  It would solidify, and twice(?) yearly recapitulate the position of
the Principality as a PART of Ansteorra.

Also there is a measure of solemnity to it. And, other than the actual "hat
placement" we'd be free to begin any other new traditions we wanted.

> Something I stumbled upon today while looking over the soon-to-be Northern
> Atlantian Principality webpage was the idea of installing limits on the
> number of times a person could be allowed to reign.   The gist of the idea
> is this: if you win, you may not fight again for X tournaments after you
> step down.  Term limits for princes!

We did discuss this at my impromptu "meeting."  We even weighed out the merits
of carrying those limits on to Kingdom if a principality should ever go that

The idea of "twice in 4 (or 5) years" surfaced.

Another point was whether or not to have an "official" council ((made up of
Coronet, Heirs, Pr. Seneschal, and rest of Pr. <Great> officers.  And requiring
the Coronet to act in "consultation with" this body, BUT ONLY IN CERTAIN DEFINED
CIRCUMSTANCES, such as changing legislation, commiting Principality funds over a
certain amount, committing the Principality to contracts.  You know.., admin
stuff.  The debate over this was not so hot as I'd anticipated.

Other than a few debateable points, my goal is to try to come up with a lean,
mean set of laws that are to the point and eliminate all repitition and
restatement of higher law (Kingdom/Corpora/Corp. Officer Policy/ and actual
civil law).  Example:  A law stating that the Principality may make no laws
infinging on religious freedom is wholely unnecessary.  It is, after all,
already (redundantly overstated) in Kingdom Law, and in Corpora (the ONLY place
it NEEDS to be stated!).  Most Kingdoms' laws are rife with such things.., we
are not alone here.  I just want us to use this opportunity to avoid that road.


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