SR - Principality
Gail P. Taylor
gtaylor at
Thu Jun 4 04:35:44 PDT 1998
Brent Rachel wrote:
> 1. I REALLY (no, I mean REALLY) would like to be on the committee (will
> even volunteer to head it) to come up with a draft set of principality
> laws. Per Corpora, a set of laws is one of the three "necessaries" along
> with arms and name passed that MUST accompany a principality petition when
> submitted to the Kingdom seneschal for consideration. I have the laws of
> several of the Kingdoms and have been a part of the deliberating body
> (Curia) of a Principality when new legislation has been drafted, debated,
> and accepted. With a good flat bed scanner and a file (to take off the
> serial number) we can have a working set to tweak in next to no time. Is
> this worth doing now?
I wonder if it is a good thing to say that my Don has the heart of a
lawyer? I mean, USUALLY, the best place for the heart of a lawyer is in
someone else's hands. ;) However, in the SCA, it is good to take
advantage of someone's natural tendancies, no matter how strange they
may seem to the rest of us. Anyone who is ALREADY collecting laws from
other kingdoms because they think its fun, and knows SCA law backwards
and forwards, should definitely be placed into consideration for this
position ;) . MY scanner is yours. I guess that the only problem with
writing laws is that people may see this as "rushing things" once more.
Now, if you were to privately go and make a set, which would be
available when folks needed it (oh...I just happen to have a perfect set
of principality rules, right here in my pocket...).....
2. I agree with Meadbh. Let's not divy up all these jobs before the
> public meeting. There's nothing wrong with us, as interested and active
> citizens of the region, getting a head start. But let's not firm up any
> committees before that meeting. Just my opinion.
(This is for everyone...not just my Don): Note that above I said "put
in for consideration." I believe that it was stated fairly clearly at
the re-initiation of our online discussion, that this is actually
something of a strange campfire discussion. Timo knows this, Pendaran
knows this; both have stated such. Timo stated that he's was trying to
put together potential qualifications for committee members. Nobody has
been suggested for these positions. We've stated that we aren't flying
off and choosing things for the rest of the kingdom. What has been
proposed is to make a listing of color combinations, potential arms,
mottos, etc, and then have people present these at Business meetings, as
"potential" colors, arms, etc. People who are not on the net will then
have a chance to choose any of these, or add additional suggestions.
> 4. No matter how you cut it, I can find no easily pronouncable, cool
> sounding RUSSIAN name suggestions. Drats! Our big chance! ;-)
Oh, Darn.
> Kazimir
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