SR - Next SR Meeting

Eirik eirik at
Mon May 3 18:44:52 PDT 1999

> How's this for an idea: we've agreed that since not everyone has access to
> email, we can't conduct business via email. But I think that its probably
> good bet that each group in the region has at least one member that is
> online. How about setting up a few, *very few* virtual meetings here and
> there to help things move along at a decent, not break neck but also not
> creeping pace? We could set dates and agendas for these virtual meetings,
> and make sure that each group has a virtual delegate for the meeting. Each
> group could meet prior to the virtual meeting, discuss the agenda and vote
> on agenda items. Then each of the delegates could take their group's
> decisions to the virtual meeting. Someone - the regional seneschal or
> someone appointed by her- would have to chair the virtual meetings and
> sure that things run properly and to take minutes.

Assuming that folks want to use this suggestion, I think that a chat room
would be the ideal way to handle the meetings. I'm not technically up on the
requirements, but I'm sure others are. We may wish to define the overall
access to the meeting. We can have the seneschals contact one person with
the e-mail addresses for their represenatives and e-mail only the
represenatives with the time and address for the meeting.


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