SR - Naming of the Southern Region

Brent Hanner behanner at
Thu Sep 16 12:27:28 PDT 1999

Dottie Elliott wrote:
> After all a name is NOT going to build cohesiveness. Our activities
> together as a region is what will make us a group that lives and works
> together well.  Perhaps we should try again after we have held more
> regional events together and have more experience working together.  If
> other areas in the SCA and in Ansteorra can work well together and be
> cohesive without any fancy names, we can too.

While I agree that the vote count does show something, the statement
a name is not going to build cohesiveness is slightly off.  A
Name(perhaps a device),
like regional events, having leaders we are willing to instill trust in,
having regional
cohesion in sub activities, doing things as a region and supporting each
other are all
tools that help build cohesiveness.  One tool alone will not do it, 
some tools aren't
necisary but the job may take alittle longer without them.  I think that
each group should look to see what groups they are building
cohiesiveness with and which ones they want 
cohesiveness with.  The people who worked to get a name vote wanted
another tool
to build cohiesiveness and the fact that the vote came back with some
weak showing
doesn't mean its still not a valid tool.

I personally think that its all been gone about the wrong way.  To try
and make
an administrative region into something that is cohiesion is very
Those groups that see cohiesion forming between themselves should talk
petition the crown to form a new region out of them or perhaps form some
form of entitiy.  

"I saw awaiting for me a knight. I recognized him at first sight-
 Sir Reinprecht von Murecke, a name that all fair ladies should acclaim
 for he made all of them his own and seldom ever slept alone."

Service of Ladies by Ulrich von Lichtenstien
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