[Spit-project] New member

Helen Schultz meisterin02 at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 12 17:58:44 PDT 2007

OK, here goes.  First off, is there a place for photos to show things??  I do have some photos of my spits on my web site, but not the last couple years worth... I've been kind of lazy about putting them up <sigh>.  
The smallest pig I've ever done was 20 pounds, the largest was 60 pounds.  They take ALL day to cook, but boy, are they tasty when done!!  Look under Good Friends Camp at http://meisterin.katarina.home.comcast.net (it is towards the bottom of the page)  My big spit is based on the one in the woodcut from Scappi of the field kitchen (you can see it in Cindy Renfrew's "Take a Thousand Eggs" book.  I'd love to have some of the other metal raised stands to place some of the frying pans on and such.  I don't do metal work, but do wood stuff as well as calligraphy and illumination.  I'd like to make my big spit be able to sit over a raised bed, but need to have someone make me a metal box to put some dirt in so the fire can be built on top of it.  Bending over is for the pits!!
For ceramic cookware, the best places I know of are Master Hroar (now in Caid) at: http://www.twoheartsentwinedpottery.com/  

I did buy a nice lidded pipkin from a potter at Pennsic last year, but he doesn't seem to have a web site,  His name is Eadric Fahomra, and is phone number is 310-676-9339.

Be forwarned, pottery cooking wares are not cheap... expect to pay anywhere from $60 to $100 for them.

I still want more of the stuff to set the pottery cookware on (as they don't go directly onto the fire, but rather on top of hot coals).  I did see a nice Roman metal raised firebox on line, and when I find it again, I will post the web site.  

So, this is my starting conversation, and hope more will follow.  My little spit is two uprights I pound into the ground and then place the spit pole through... the design isn't overly efficient, as you have to do a lot of threading through solidly made rings at the tops of the uprights, after you have put the meat already onto the spit pole <sigh>.

Meisterin Katarina Helene von Schoenborn, OL

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