[Spit-Project] Possible Open Hearth and Spit Cookery titles

Johnna Holloway johnnae at mac.com
Tue Oct 14 13:06:55 PDT 2008

When doing my long list of forthcoming culinary titles for SCA Cooks I 
came across
these two titles that might be of interest to this list.


*Savage Barbecue: Race, Culture, and the Invention of America's First
Food (Paperback) by Andrew Warnes
(Author) *Paperback:* 208 pages*.* University of Georgia Press (1 Aug 2008)
*ISBN-10:* 0820331090. · *ISBN-13:* 978-0820331096 I haven't seen a copy
yet, but the descriptions are promising:
Savage Barbecue: Race, Culture, and the Invention of America's First
Food by Andrew Warnes. This is a University of Georgia Press volume and
is available in both hardcover and paperback.
It's described as "Starting with Columbus's journals in 1492, Warnes
shows how the perception of barbecue evolved from Spanish colonists'
first fateful encounter with natives roasting iguanas and fish over
fires on the beaches of Cuba. European colonists linked the new food to
a savagery they perceived in American Indians, ensnaring
barbecue in a growing web of racist attitudes about the New World.
Warnes also unearths the etymological origins of the word barbecue,
including the early form barbacoa; its coincidental similarity to
barbaric reinforced emerging stereotypes."
May be very interesting or it may be too academic ?
There's a new edition of

*Hearthside Cooking: Early American Southern Cuisine Updated for Today's
Hearth and Cookstove (Hardcover) *
by Sandra Oliver (Foreword), author is Nancy Carter Crump
I loved this book when it came out originally in 1986.
I saw Sandy Oliver in person in September and she told me that this new
edition has lots more recipes and practical advice. The first edition
was great source for advice on open hearth cookery. I am sure that this
one will also be a practical guide for anyone wanting to pursue
cookery over an open fire. I know it says Early American but
fire is fire as they say.


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