[Steppes] email problems - flat tire

Wicachu@aol.com Wicachu at aol.com
Sun Sep 16 07:56:20 PDT 2001

  If this is a repost,  I'm very sorry. my email  and internet are being really squirrelly, but I'm too worried about this to take the chance it didnt go through the first time.

I'm in trouble.  I went outside to take conner to archery practice and found I have a flat tire. Now i have a wailing 5 year old convinced I did this to him on purpose so he couldnt go shoot arrows. I dont have another car or anyone else around to either get a new one or fix the one I have. i dont even know WHERE  out here to get a another one.  It has a doghnut somewhere on the car i think, but  I dotn know how to put it on, and dont even know how to use a jack. If you think you all could help me, please give me a call.
903 862 2979.



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