[Steppes] Event Changes - long

Martha A. Compton macpob1 at airmail.net
Wed Oct 2 18:25:55 PDT 2002

OK, my turn.

As far as dropping Warlord from the kingdom calendar, unless it has
changed, it is in the Kingdom Law that Steppes Warlord.will take place
on Memorial Day weekend.  That should tell everyone just how important
the event is.

Steppes 12th Night, while not in Kingdom Law, is important as well.  A
lot of SCA business is conducted that Saturday, official and
unofficially.  Baron Edwin makes several good points of his own for
leaving 12th Night the way it is.

I would not change either one of them, or Fall Court.

We were operating in the past on a Shire/Canton = one event, Barony =
two events system.  Steppes got an extra event (for a total of 3) for
being the largest barony in the kingdom.  Kingdom level events like
Crown, Coronation, Laurel's Prize, etc. did not count against anyone.
This could work again.

As for Artisan, is was separated for many reasons - some I already seen
discussed - but originally, like Fall Court, it too was to be a small
event for us to enjoy.  The first few years that it was held as a
separate event the "feast" was the barony providing meat and bread and
the populace brought covered dishes from home in lieu of a site fee.  It
has grown into the large prestigious event that it is, not because the
crown might attend our event and skip Pennsic, but because we are THE

I would leave Steppes Warlord, 12th Night and Artisan as separate
events.  Take Artisan off of the kingdom calendar, hold it as usual,
advertise on the net and in the Black Star.  We could also send out
event announcements to every group in the kingdom, we have the scribes
invitation mailing list on my computer.  We would print out the lables
and send out the event flyers in a mass mailing, just like the event
invitations we do twice a year.

Just MHO.


Alis volat propriis - She flies with her own wings.

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