[Steppes] Calendar ?

Morgan Cain (Ansteorra) morgancain at earthlink.net
Sun Oct 6 08:52:28 PDT 2002

>  The questions are:
> Would having only one or two events on any given weekend mean you would
> chose to go to those events or would you just stay at home that weekend??

I am more likely to stay home, because that often means the events are
outside the area where I am willing to drive and within which I can get
people to drive with me.  If my choices on a weekend are Tulsa and Corpus
Christie, I am staying home, especially if they are day events.

One solution used in the Midrealm, where I used to live, was to set a radius
that groups could use to schedule event dates.  This meant that smaller
groups could have an event on the same day as a larger group, if they were
outside the radius (100 miles in the Midrealm; may need to be bigger in
Ansteorra).  It could help small groups that need to have an event to meet
the standards for moving out of incipiency, because they could have a local
event while a big event occurs in another region.

If the issue is that Their Majesties feel there are too many events and they
cannot attend all, then perhaps They can set up a rough schedule of "We will
attend an event in this area in this timeframe," and not feel They have to
get to EVERY event.  When I lived in Grey Gargoyles, we almost never had
court at our events.  If someone from our group received an award, it was at
the event of a neighboring group, in part because we traveled (especially if
we received word "please see that so-and-so is at this event") and partly
because some of the other groups were mad for courts.  You knew that any
event in Tree-Girt-Sea was going to have court, and so people planned to be
there if they wanted to make presentations or got people there if they had
put in an award recommendation.  If people know well in advance that, for
example, Their Majesties will not be at Lindenwood, but will be at Elfsea,
then they have an idea at which event courts will occur.

I have also seen weekends on which Their Majesties travel separately to
events, when one has more need to be someplace and the other can go
elsewhere.  This increases the number of appearances, although also the cost
to travel.  For example, His Majesty going to a War Practice while Her
Majesty attends a heraldic symposium, or His Majesty going to a Collegium
while Her Majesty goes to a small group's first event.

> How do you choose which events to go to??

Are friends likely to be there, do I need to transact business, is it a
group where I've had fun before?  Can I carpool with people from the area?
To be honest, I am not likely to attend Crown or Coronation, because there
is generally very little to do if you are not there to see someone get an
award or win the tourney or attend a meeting.  I am MUCH more likely to
attend theme events that have lots of activities going on, and Collegia, and
so on.  I no longer fight, so unless I can work the list or help with
waterbearing (often given to children hereabouts), I don't have much to do
at all-fighting events.  I like Artisan events better if there are a few
classes and things to do other than just wander around all day looking at
static displays.  If the event runs for a weekend, do they have a daytrip
price, or must I pay for the whole weekend if I can be there only one day?
Is it a group where I have had a good time in the past?  Do they have a
history of sticking on schedule, being random about things, is the site
congenial?  Even if I have had good times at a group's events in the past,
if a certain person is autocratting or if the site is known for having
stickerburs, biting flies, and difficult access to drinking water, I am not
likely to attend.

> On average, how far do you drive to go to an event??

I cannot drive more than about four hours solo, comfortably, without breaks.
I get bored driving much longer (books on tape do only so much), and prefer
to do it with friends, but have traveled a good distance when it's
worthwhile.  I've driven solo to Stargate, Namron, Wastelands, and other
events; when living in other Kingdoms I traveled about that far to events as
well, and further when with friends.  Two to three hours is a daytrip for
me; four depends, but I'm likely to stay overnight, especially if there is a
revel.  I go to Wars such as Estrella, Gulf, Lilies, and Pennsic every year.

One item I consider is whether court is scheduled to begin after the feast.
This generally means a very long evening, and no revel.  It also means I am
more likely to skip court.  Yes, there are some things that need a lot of
time, such as making a peer.  But smaller awards can be given in an earlier
court, breaking up the length of the court, and sometimes filling an open
space on the day's calendar.  It can help if the intended recipient is a
young person or in ill health, and might leave before a post-feast court.
It also may reduce some of the problem with people talking and wandering
around, disrupting court.

                                        ---= Morgan

America will always be the home of the free, because it is the home of the
                        ---= Lockheed Martin memorial ad, 9/11/02

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