[Steppes] Osage harvesting (was Steppes Bowyers Guild)

jspinks@ix.netcom.com jspinks at ix.netcom.com
Fri Jul 19 07:56:56 PDT 2002

You got it.  I have a F150 supercab so I should be able to haul some logs as
needed.  And a 12 inch diameter log 7 feet or so in length is hefty.  Course i
assume we are going to be trying to split as many of these down to bow staves
as we go? Is that correct Jason?  You are the source of knowledge from
experience here for most of us.

Petruccio- Ask all the questions you want.  Hopefully you will even get some
good answers. :-)

On Fri, 19 Jul 2002 08:44:11 -0500 John Mays <john_l_mays at hotmail.com> wrote:

Put me on that list -- it's not the first one I have taken down, and I have
a truck, 4wheel drive!!

>From: <jspinks at ix.netcom.com>
>Reply-To: steppes at ansteorra.org
>To: steppes at ansteorra.org
>Subject: Re: [Steppes] Osage harvesting (was Steppes Bowyers Guild)
>Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2002 05:52:54 -0700
>That suits me.  I have both plus splitting mauls and a useable adze.  As I
>understand it the location is in Quinlan which is easy form me to get to.
>will survey the archers on Sunday to see who is interested in going.  The
>question now is as you ask- what time is good for our host?
>On Thu, 18 Jul 2002 23:05:32 -0700 (PDT) Jason Hitt <cutter07 at yahoo.com>
>Maybe an early Saturday morning bowyers meeting at the
>site is in order. To encourage more work a "carry what
>you cut" arrangement might be helpful. :)
>Seriously plan on alot of work cutting these; the
>outside light wood (first 1/3 of the wood) goes fast,
>then you start breaking chains deeper in. If you got
>axes, bring um. You'll be glad you did. Bring
>something cheap to seal the ends on site as well
>(glue, polyu, wax, mud, etc) or your pieces will start
>cracking within days.
>This is rare, good stuff so many thanks to our host
>for the offer. Lets talk about times good for said
>host and maybe setup a survey of which needs to be
>harvested first.
>--- Patrick Cuccurello <pat at adtelusa.com> wrote:
> > > Do not cancel your trip this Saturday on my
> > account. I only have a small
> > > window of opportunity in the afternoon this
> > Saturday and from what I
> > > understand about getting to your place I would eat
> > up most of that just
> > > getting there and back. I am not necessarily
> > needed at the
> > > Collegium, I had
> > > just planned to be there. So if I had to miss it,
> > although sad,
> > > it would be
> > > more in the calling of my duties as Bowyer and
> > Fletchers Guild
> > > Master to be
> > > at your place cutting bow staves. What say the
> > rest of you?
> > >
> > > Iames
> >
> > Well, if you all want to head out the 27th, that
> > works for me.  Just make
> > sure that you weren't planning on going to the
> > Collegium anyway.  Julianna
> > has threatened me with bodily harm if I mess with
> > the Collegium.  <<insert
> > suitable masochist joke here>>.
> >
> > Pet.
> > .....who is afraid of Julianna, even if she is his
> > indentured servant
> > <<grin>>
> >
> >
> >
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