[Steppes] Steppes 12th Night Thank-yous

David L. Cox coxdl at verizon.net
Tue Jan 24 11:30:35 PST 2006

I would like to thank the following good gentles for their assistance at the
recent Steppes 12th. I regret the delay in posting this message, as I have
been on business travel since the event. I want to thank all of you that
attended as well. You very kind words over the last three weeks have
indicated that we did provide a wonderful, memorable, and magical night,
which was the objective. I would ask my staff to finish submitting the final
receipts by COB Friday of this week so that HL Elin may complete her
required paperwork. To all of you that I may have overlook, or missed,
please know that you did make a difference in your efforts at the event -
and that has made the Steppes for the last 30+ years strong.


I especially want to thank THE Willow, Robin, Thorkel Kalida, Edwin, Catrin,
Miguel and Conall, plus their Majesties Mahdi and Valeria for making the
opening of court a once in a life time event to see 30 years of leadership.
Truly we are fortunate to have such sage nobles among us.


Feast Steward                       Earl Sir Duncan Arthur Ross "The Black"
and assisted by House Ross

Head Feast Server                Mona Gerita del Mare, together with a
number of kind, hungry gentles

Exchequer                              HL Elin the Timid

Merchant Coordinator        Lady Maggie MacPerson

Setup/Teardown Steward   Baron Borek Vitalievich Volkov assisted by

                                                Master Robin, Baron Fritz,
Centurion Morgan, Lady Lyneya, Lord Harafn, Lady Elizabeta, Sueko San,
Baroness Catrin, Lady Gerita, Sir Lasguaard, House D'Irwin

Quartermaster                       Lord Alastair Mac Eogan

Royal Liaison                        Lady Elizabeta di Valore della Rosa

Hall Design                           Baroness Catrin Brynmorgan

Security                                 HL Francesca, assisted By HL
Jacques the Spink

Hotel Liaison                        Lady Fionnula the Fair (Nuala)

Gate/Reservations               Lord John de Irwinne

                                                Lady Catalina Saravia Quicdo
de Xerez

                                                Lady Osanna de Burgh

Children's Program              Lady Einin Ciarnait of the Dragon's Laire
designer, assisted by Master Phillip and several wonderful Ladies who I did
not catch all of their names 

Event Herald                         Baron Robin of Gilwell, Centurion
Morgan, HL Guillaume

Hospitalier                             Lady Katheryn Cunningghame

Virtual Scribe                        HL Chiara Francesca Arianna d'Onoforio

Knight Marshall                   Lord Hrafn Olafsson

Archery Marshall                 Lady Lyneya de Gray

                                                Master Phelim "Pug" Gervase

Dance Masters                     HL Isabeau Lallement

                                                HL Guillaume de Troyes

CIC/Water Bearer                 HL Calin

Special Graphics                   Tenchi Sueko San

Autocrat                                Lord David ben Leon

Event Advisor                      Duchess Larissa Alwynn Clairewoode of
Aquitaine, OL, OP


I leave you with the words that started our journey:


In The Beginning

"In the fall of 1972 CE (AS VII) Duke Richard of Montroyal and his lady, La
Rana of Montroyal moved into the central wastelands of the Kingdom of
Atenveldt. They sought to establish a Shire, and bring culture to the
barbarians who existed here in squalor."  

Source: Steppes Warlord XX Gate Book


So began our journey. On 10 May 1973 CE (AS VIII) Lord Douglas Brownbeard,
the Clerk of the SCA Chancery wrote to Sir Richard Short of Montroyal, Duke
in The West to advise him that the SCA Board of Directors had approved the
petition to establish the Shire of the Steppes. In closing Lord Brownbeard
wrote "Please believe, my Lord, that I wish you all the best of luck and
success."  Steppes would be elevated to Baronial status on 30 August 1975 CE
(AS X).  From the humble acorns, mighty Oaks do grow, given the warmth of
the sun, the relief of occasional gentle rains, proper drainage, and good
soil. Our acorn fell upon an exceptional location indeed.


May the next thirty years be even more prosperous and fruitful. I Remain, In
Service To The Dream,


Lord David ben Leon, Autocrat (Retired)


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