[Steppes] a factoid about the email list

Alasdair MacEogan alasdair at bmhanson.net
Mon Apr 23 09:01:31 PDT 2007

Sir Morgan Buchanan <morganbuchanan at hotmail.com> wrote:
>  As a moderator who was asked in the past by the Baron/Baroness and/or the seneschal to 
>  put the setting the way it currently is, I don't believe it's my place to change it willy-nilly back.  
>  But Robin's question didn't get any kind of response, so I thought I'd at least mention WHY 
>  it's set that way and see if this engenders any conversation on the matter that might sway 
>  our current seneschal, our current Baron or our current or future Baroness.  Anyone?

As a moderator also I am not weighing in on either side of this issue, but I would like to provide access to the counter argument to changing it back.


If there is a true standard for mail list behavior on the internet it has defined as Reply going to the sender and being sent to the list and sender. (If anyone is actually interested, the RFC 822 in the site linked has been superseded by RFC 2822.

Robin argued "I just don't believe that the Steppes is so backward compared to all other communities that we still need these training wheels."

But the reciprocal argument could also be made of why do we need the training wheels of Reply going to the list rather than the sender when it is just as easy to hit Reply-To:

Honestly i am not sure which side I favor.  I will say it is a "problem" only because there is not a consistency between all the lists.


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