[Steppes] Steppes artisan and calender

Jay Rudin rudin at ev1.net
Thu Aug 21 07:36:08 PDT 2008

Lady Stephanie wrote:

>I do not know how far in advance Steppes Artisan is scheduled on the
> Kingdom calendar, so I will bring this up now.  This year, Artisan was
> only three weeks before Laurel's Prize Tourney.  Now, I know that
> some people who go to Artisan do not go to LPT, and vice versa, but
> by and large, the same people display and the many of the same people
> judge these two events.  Because there is only three weeks between
> them this year, I as an artisan do not have time to take the feedback I
> received from the judges and create anything new to reflect that
> feedback before LPT.  It would really help to have Steppes Artisan in
> June, or at least July, so that artisans can produce new works reflecting
> the feedback they receive there before LPT.  Thank you.

You're talking to the wrong people.  Steppes Artisan pre-dates Laurel Prize 
Tourney, and has been in mid-August for a long time -- since 1990, I think. 
I'm not sure there's any set date for LPT.

In fact, they've been much closer.  The first Laurel's Prize Tourney was 
held in the Steppes, in conjunction with the second Steppes Artisan.

Robin of Gilwell / Jay Rudin 

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