[Steppes] SAIL Homeschool Demo Scavenger Hunt

William Meriic wmeriic at tx.rr.com
Thu Mar 27 10:09:38 PDT 2008

Good day to everyone,

I have been tasked with organizing a casual scavenger hunt at the homeschool
demo.  The goal of this hunt is to encourage people to come to us and ask
questions.  By giving them a list of questions to ask we give them an
explicit reason to talk to us, and set the stage to teach them more about
our Society.

I specifically chose questions that most newcomers would not know to ask.
The intention is to give our hunters a well-rounded, but high-level,
understanding of the structure and culture in the SCA.  The only prize for
successfully completing the hunt is a better understanding of what we do and
who we are.

Most of these questions do not have a single correct answer.  Instead they
are designed to open up a short conversation between you and the hunter.  So
if someone walks up to you and asks you a question, don't hesitate to give
them more than just a one line answer.  Please use this opportunity to
involve them.

There is no need to prepare ahead of time for these questions.  If you can't
answer one send the hunter to someone who might.  However, I have enclosed
the list in case you're interested.

Lord William Meriic

What is the name of this kingdom?	
	What modern states does our kingdom include?	
	How many points does our kingdom star have?	
What is the name of the local group within which you live?	
What is the first award most members of the society receive?	
What is an heraldic emblem registered to an individual called?	
	Who do you see to register your own?	
What do you need to bring if you intend to eat feast at an event?	 
Find someone with a coronet containing six pearls (spheres) on his/her head.

	What is his/her name?	
	What title does his/her coronet convey?	
	What is the correct way to address this person?	
How does one become a king or a queen?	
	How long does a king and queen rule?	
	How do you address the king and queen?	
Find a heavy fighter.  What is his/her name?	
	From what material are weapons made?	
	Why doesn't he/she use real metal?	
	What is the highest honor a fighter can receive?	
	What is the symbol of this high honor?	
Find a fencer.  What is his/her name?	
	What kind of swords does a fencer use?	
	What other kinds of weapons will a fencer use?	
	What is the highest honor a fencer can receive?	
	What is the symbol of this high honor?	
Find someone who is a member of the Order of the Laurel.  
	What is his/her name?	
	In what craft does he/she specialize?	
	People are inducted into the Order of the Laurel for what reason?  
		Diligent service to the kingdom
		Great skill in the arts and sciences
		Great skill in armored combat
 Find someone who is a member of the Order of the Pelican.  
	What is his/her name?	
	People are inducted into the Order of the Pelican for what reason?  
		Diligent service to the kingdom
		Great skill in the arts and sciences
		Great skill in armored combat
Name one book every SCAdian should read:	
Name one period board or card game:	
Name one style of period dance:	
When was the Bayeux Tapestry made?	
For what purpose do we use scrolls in the SCA?	
Name the period art or craft that interests you the most?	

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