[Steppes] garb corset and chemise for sale

Lauren Black karania_avalon at yahoo.com
Mon May 4 11:17:26 PDT 2009

I have a corset that I really need to get rid of as it doesn't fit my persona, both in the faire and out in the Society.  The Corset originally came from a vendor at the Texas Renaissance Festival, so its a quality corset with boning.  Its double sided with patterns on both sides.  One side has a pirate design and the other is camoflouge.  I'm intending to through the chemise that came with the corset in with it, since I don't need to hang onto it as I have other stuff that works better for me.

Size of the corset: I was told when I bought the thing that it could fit a size one to a size six, but as I'm not an expert on costumes I really don't know for sure

Asking price is $60 for both corset and chemise.

If anyone is interested please contact me.


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