[Steppes] Largesse Derby at Populace in the Park

Anne House via Steppes steppes at lists.ansteorra.org
Sun Apr 23 16:06:13 PDT 2017

Geetings once more from the office of the Minister of Arts and Sciences for
the Barony of the Steppes! This is a repost!

Populace in the Park will be on us before we know it and there are a couple
of MoAS-led items there:

The Barony will be holding an A&S competition in the form of a Dirty Dozen
Largesse Derby. For those of you who don't know:

    All entrants must create 12 items that are suitable for largesse


        12 needle books

        12 hats from different (or the same) period(s)

        12 items suitable for a specific time period

        12 children’s toys

        12 pairs of socks

    All entries must be tagged with the maker’s name, and ready to be
gifted the day of the competition.

    Items need not be documentable

    Items should not have heraldry on them as they are meant to be given to
other areas. If it must have heraldry, consider baronial populace badges.

    Judging is done by the populace.

        Each entrant display will have a cup placed next to it and anyone
may put a provided token into the accompanying cup to denote their choice.

    The entrant with the most tokens in their cup at the end of the day
chooses one item from any one of the other entries as a prize.

        Each entrant then chooses from the remaining entries according to
how many tokens they received (largest to smallest number).

        Each entry may only be chosen once as a prize.

    The remaining 11 items from each entry will be given to Their
Excellencies, at the end of the day for use as largess during Their Reign.

I do want to note that Their Excellencies give largesse to lords and
ladies, adult and child. Just now, they have a dearth of largesse for lords
and children (when last I viewed the largesse bucket). Should you need
ideas, there is a Largesse group on Facebook that has a files section, and
of course our favorite website Pinterest has quite a few. The item need not
be hand made, but should of course be period.

Lady Kiriena Pevtsova
Minister of Arts and Sciences, Barony of the Steppes

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