[Western] Twelfth Night Thanks

paula hanna pippermint at sbcglobal.net
Mon Dec 15 10:26:11 PST 2003

Twelfth Night is not truly over until the appropriate amount of thanks are doled out
to those who deserve recognition.

First and foremost are my triumvirate of sanity. My lord-husband Baron Kainin, Lady
Serafina, and Honorable Lady Revekka. Without these three I would have long since
lost my mind or completely given up on ideas that they have helped me see to
fruition. They are invaluable and it would seem tireless. I love you, all three.
Thank you so much.

Secondly to my feast steward, George. I distinctly recall asking her to prepare the
feast about 2 years ago. And after that I have not had to give the feast a second
thought. She took charge and never troubled me once about anything. I had complete
trust in her, and that trust has paid off royally. I KNOW I speak for everyone when
I say how wonderful the Twelfth Night feast was. Well done and thanks to you and
your kitchen staff, dear lady.

Thirdly, to my Barony (and Region) for every effort that was put forth in preparing,
setting up, taking down, painting, staining, loaning brushes, lending moral support,
sitting gate, hanging banners, running errands, running lists, marshalling, moving
tables, teaching classes, serving, handling children, making masks, making helm
crests, making bucklers, making food, and making mine the loveliest Twelfth Night I
think we've had.

Fourthly to those who traveled to make the event. If you taught, worked or just
visited with old friends, an event wouldn't be an event without people to attend it.
Whether you came from 10 minutes away or 10 hours, I was honoured to have you. 

And also I would like to congratulate our winners: Baron Chiang ti Lung - lady's
gallery choice for winner of the Chivalric list, HLord Toshiro Koi - lady's gallery
choice for the Rapier list, Lord Godfrey de Main Gauche - populace's choice for the
best helm crest, Lord Jasper Codrington - populace's choice for best decorated
buckler, Lady Serafina de Gratia - populace's choice for best period finger food,
M'Lady Cerise - populace's choice for best mask and again Lady Serafina de Gratia
who is our new titled artisan of Bonwicke. Thank you to all who entered. I certainly
hope you enjoyed yourself as much as I enjoyed sharing the day with you.

Well, that is my list. Short but sweet. For all those whom I have not mentioned by
name, I hope you know that I know who you are. And I hope that the thanks and hugs I
offered in person on the night of the event were enough to show you exactly how much
I am indebted to you.

Thank you one and all. The event was PERFECT.
Baroness Oriana della Francesca
Twelfth Night Event Steward

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