[Ansteorra-announce] [Announcements] President's Report

Baron, Meg Meg.Baron at experian.com
Wed Jul 30 09:31:39 PDT 2003



This is the President's report of the actions taken at the SCA, Inc.'s most
recent Board of Directors meeting, held July 19, 2003, in Fullerton,
California (Kingdom of Caid). This material may be freely distributed, and
those receiving it are strongly encouraged to share this information with
the general populace. Permission is hereby granted to reprint all, or part,
of this report in Kingdom, Principality, and local newsletters. It is
requested that the source of the information be identified as "from the
President's Report of the July 2003 Board meeting" and that, as far as
possible, exact quotes be used. Please note that this report is NOT the
official Minutes of the Board meeting. In case of any discrepancy between
this document and the approved Minutes, the Minutes are binding. Any
inaccuracies in reporting contained herein are my own. 

Subscriptions to the Board Minutes are available from the SCA Inc. A
subscription includes this report in addition to the Minutes approved at the
meeting. Past approved Minutes are also available on the SCA website

The next Board of Directors meeting will be held on October 18 in Milpitas,
California. The deadline for submission of agenda items is October 1. 

Respectfully submitted,

Meg Baron
President, SCA Inc.

Branch Status Changes

1. The Board took note of the following new branches:

Canton of Stowe on the Wowlde (Sydney, NSW, Australia)
College of St. Aldhelm (Australian National University, ACT, Australia)
Shire of Borderscros (Albury-Wodonga, NSW/VIC, Australia) 
Shire of Rivermarch (Columbus, GA)
Shire of Camden Tor (St. Mary's, GA)

2. The Board took note of the following routine changes in status:

Shire of Fontaine dans Sable (Farmington, NM) - to Barony
Shire of Caer Galen (Boulder County, CO) - to Barony
College of St. Carol's-on-the-Moor (University of Illinois,
Champaign-Urbana, IL) - independent college to a college of the Barony of
Wurm Wald 

3. The Board took note of the following branch dissolutions:

Shire of Castle Keep (Greene and Columbia Counties, NY)
College of Riversmeet (West Virginia State College, Charleston, WV)
Barony of Drei Eichen (Duren & Köln, Germany)

Old Business

A. Society Marshal's Policy Interpretations - remanded from April 2003

Two policy rulings which had been remanded from the Society Marshal's April
2003 report were approved by the Board: 

1.	The Frameas thrust-and-throw javelin is approved for SCA use. This
has been added to SCA Missile Combat rules.
2.	The Society Marshal reported that some Pas d'Armes-type tournaments,
particularly "As Real Men Fought" tournaments, are being held in various
kingdoms with certain combat dispensations, i.e., grappling.  It is the
Society Marshal's interpretation of the Pas rule in the current handbook
that this is not allowed and should not be allowed.  Section V.C. of the
handbook, under acknowledgement of blows, clearly limits Pas dispensations
to one method of alternate blow calling, counted blows and nothing else.
Therefore, all and any special combats may not include any form of grappling
and all such actions will cease immediately. 

B. Drachenwald Kingdom Newsletter Stipend Adjustment - remanded from April
2003 meeting

The Board set the postage stipend for the Kingdom of Drachenwald's
newsletter at US$1.25, effective from July 1, 2003 to the end of 2004, at
which time it will need to return to the standard postage rate in order to
be in compliance with Corpora I.C.6. 

C. Equestrian Handbook

The Board approved the revised SCA Equestrian Handbook.

D. Proposed revision to SCA Corporate Policies, new section X - Electronic
Communications Policy

This policy was put out for comment by the membership and received
predominantly favorable commentary. Some of the specific suggestions
received were very good, and have generated changes in the proposed policy.
The Directors felt that some of these changes were sufficiently substantive
to warrant putting the revised proposal out for commentary again. The policy
will therefore soon appear in the usual places (the announcements at sca.org
mailing list, the www.sca.org website, and Kingdom newsletters). Your input
is requested. Commentary will be due by January 1, 2004. The proposed text
as revised appears below:

Amended Proposed Policy on Electronic Communications (amended 7-23-03--SCA 
Corporate Policies X)

1.  Electronic Publication of SCA Documents

When official corporate documents are published electronically on a site not
sponsored by the SCA, Inc., the original copyright notice for the document
must be provided along with the text.  The following addition should be made
to the copyright notice:

"In cases of conflict, the governing version of this document is (title of
document), copyright (date) by the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc.,
and obtainable in printed form from the SCA Stock Clerk, P.O. Box 360789,
Milpitas CA 95036.  Disputes over the contents of this document will be
decided in favor of the printed version available from the SCA, Inc."

2.  Participation of SCA Officials in Electronic Communications Media

A.  Unless otherwise stated as a prerequisite of office, electronic
communication is not required of any officer.  Traditional paper
correspondence is always acceptable, and is the default means for official

B.  The SCA, Inc. neither prohibits nor requires members' or officers'
participation in electronic communications media such as newsgroups or
mailing lists.

3.  Electronic Communications to and from SCA Officers

*****A.  Electronic communications to SCA officers may be regarded as formal
communications only if approved in advance by the officer, or if a
confirmation of receipt is obtained.*****

B.  Messages posted for general attention on any public electronic
communications forum are not regarded as formal communications to an
officer, whether or not that officer is known to participate on the forum in
question.  *****Communications posted by corporate or kingdom officers to
their officer-specific forums may be considered official communications to
those officers subscribed to the forum.*****

C.  Any policies or procedures governing the handling of correspondence,
such as maintenance of file copies for correspondence with lasting effect,
apply equally to electronic mail.  *****Officers must ensure that any
electronic files are passed on in a format readable by their successor.*****

D.  SCA officers must distinguish between their personal opinions and
official statements or policies of their office in electronic
communications. (****changed wording in D from "must be careful to
distinguish" to "must distinguish"****)

E. Medieval Properties, Inc. Proposal - remanded from April 2003 meeting

The Board approved the transfer of funds from the Barony of Caerthe to
Medieval Properties, Inc., as requested. Medieval Properties, Inc., is a
corporation formed by members of the Barony of Caerthe for the purpose of
raising funds to acquire and own real estate for the Barony's use. This is
standard procedure for SCA groups that wish to own real property, as the
SCA, Inc. does not allow such ownership for itself.  

F. SCA-SKA (Finland) Affiliation Agreement

An Operating Agreement between the SCA, Inc. and SKA (Finland) was approved
by the Board, pending ratification by the SKA Board of Directors.

New Business

A. Non-Member Surcharge variance request - Kingdom of An Tir

A request to overturn the Society Seneschal and Society Treasurer's denial
of An Tir's requested variance to Non-Member Surcharge procedures, which
would have waived the NMS for all events designated as Ithra (Kingdom
University) events, was not approved. 

B. Northshield Kingdom Petition

Chairman Linda Moore, a resident of Northshield, recused herself on this
item and turned the gavel over to Vice Chairman Beth Morris Tanner. The
advancement of Northshield to Kingdom status was approved, effective upon
successful completion of the first Crown Tournament and Coronation.

C. "Meet the SCA" Pamphlet

A pamphlet designed to be given to site owners who would like more
information about our organization was approved for SCA-wide use.

D. SCA 40th Anniversary bid

The Society Seneschal announced that a bid for an SCA 40th-year Anniversary
Celebration has been received. The Board will be putting together a format
for such bids, which will be made public as soon as possible. Event bids
will be due to the Society Seneschal by April 1, 2004, with the event to be
held in May 2006.

E. Proposed change to Corpora IV.C.2

Corpora IV.C.2. currently reads as follows: 
The royal pair must attend their Coronation or Investiture, preside over the
Royal Lists to select their successors, and attend the Coronation or
Investiture of their successors. They must also attend such other events as
may be dictated by the laws of their realm. Should extreme and extraordinary
circumstances, such as death, prevent a Crown, heir to the Crown, Coronet,
or heir to the Coronet, from completing the these requirements, the Board of
Directors may, upon substantial petition, and on a case by case basis, waive
these requirements to allow the bestowing of a royal peerage or royal title.

In light of several situations that have arisen in the recent past, the
Board requests comment on the idea of removing the phrase "such as death"
from the above passage. This proposed Corpora change will be put out for
comment from the membership. Commentary will be due no later than January 1,

Officers' Reports - action items and policy decisions (note: officers not
mentioned here had no action items or policy decisions to present for Board


The President requested that the Legal Committee be asked questions
concerning youth martial activities in the SCA and our legal/regulatory
obligations relating to them. Some states or municipalities, it is reported,
require registration of youth coaches, or require them to take safety
courses. The SCA needs to become aware of our legal responsibilities and
potential liability exposure in regard to youth activities, and what we
can/must do to protect the organization while still being able to offer
these activities to our young participants. Associated with this is the
question of whether there should be formal rules for boffer combat, either
at the Kingdom or the Society level. Are we better off from a liability
standpoint if this is an official, regulated activity, or is it better if
this is unregulated "play"? 

The Chairman referred the questions to the Legal Committee as requested.

The President also requested that the Board approve the text of the proposed
SCA FAQ.  Chairman Moore ruled that this is an operational matter for the
President's office and does not require Board approval. The FAQ will be
posted to the sca.org website as soon as possible.

Society Seneschal

The Society Seneschal requested warrants for Robbin Koenig (Broinnfinn
inghean ui Chathain)
and Ed Kreyling (Erik of Telemark) as Deputy Society Seneschals for Special
Projects. The warrants were signed during a break. 

Vice President of Corporate Operations

The Vice President of Corporate Operations requested and received an
increase of $3,000 to the budget to purchase new computer hardware and to
modify the registry software and reports to accommodate additional Kingdoms.

Society Treasurer

The Society Treasurer presented a plan submitted by the Gulf Wars autocrat
whereby Gulf Wars will be able to process credit card payments for War
pre-registration. The Board approved the plan.
The Treasurer also presented a policy interpretation concerning
reimbursements to Crowns and Kingdom Officers for bulk airtime charges for
telephone calls and Internet access. The policy interpretation was approved.

Society Exchequer
The Society Exchequer requested that the Board approve changes to the
Financial Policies of the Kingdoms of Meridies and Atlantia. Both were

Society Marshal

The Society Marshal presented two items which h ad been remanded from the
April 2003 quarterly meeting. Both of these were addressed under Old

The Society Marshal also presented a clarification of the Rapier Combat
rules, which was made by the Society Rapier Marshal. Currently the SCA rules
do not mention intentional body-to-body contact during rapier combat, but it
has always been policy that such contact is not allowed. In keeping with
that, the Society Rapier Combat rules, section 3.D., are modified as

Currently reads:  "Striking an opponent with excessive force, or with
deliberate intent to injure, is forbidden."

Alter to: "Striking an opponent with excessive force or with deliberate
intent to injure is forbidden. Intentional body-to-body contact is
forbidden, including a fighter using his open hand to parry by placing it
against his opponent's hand or wrist."

The Board upheld this change to the Rapier Handbook.

Corporate Development Officer

The Corporate Development Officer reported on some new opportunities for
those wishing to donate to the SCA:

"Do you shop online for items such as books, CD's, apparel, or vitamins?
Did you know that your regular purchases could help the SCA, Inc. raise
funds?  Just go to www.iGive.com and sign up to support the Society for
Creative Anachronism, Inc.  Then go to the vendor of your choice from the
iGive.com website.  A percentage of your purchase (as designated by the
vendor) will be donated to the cause.  The website offers additional
incentives for first-time users, as well as loads of discounts from the
hundreds of participating etailers.  It's an easy way to make what you
already buy benefit the organization you already love!

And coming this fall, the SCA, Inc. is registered to participate in the
joint venture between MissionFish.org and eBay®.  Every eBay seller will
have the chance to share a portion (or all) of the proceeds from each item
they sell with the SCA, Inc.  Watch for the inception of this fundraising
effort on SCA Announcements, or on our website.     
The Corporate Development Officer encourages anyone with ideas and input on
fundraising for the SCA, Inc. to contact her at her brand new Known World
Mail address:  DonaTeresa at baroness.sca.org or via development at sca.org."

Grand Council

The Grand Council voted on several motions addressing issues with the
Ministry for Children. A proposed new minor waiver for participation in
activities also received a strong positive vote. The Grand Council's members
were especially enthusiastic about the acknowledgement of responsibility for
the child's actions by the adult bringing the child to the event, whether
parent or otherwise.

A vote on whether to issue a policy clarification underscoring that
children's activities are not meant to substitute for child care or other
parental responsibility and control received a very strong positive vote. A
vote on whether to recommend that the name be changed to "Ministry for
Family Activities" received a weak negative vote.

The Grand Council voted on whether to recommend that the SCA change to a
franchise situation, where groups would pay to participate in the SCA, Inc.
The result of the vote was barely supportive, with significant negative

The Grand Council voted on a contingency proposal to set up procedures for
determining group affiliations for polling purposes, in the event that the
Registry is dissolved and centralized affiliation data is no longer
available. The result of the vote was supportive.

The Board will discuss the Grand Council's suggestions.

Legal Committee

On the question of whether a group may use a waiver to cover a range of
events and activities, such as having a once-per-quarter or
once-per-semester waiver for fighter practice, the committee answers "No!"
While the reduction in paperwork might be appreciated, the potential
increase in liability is not acceptable. The Legal Committee recommends the
use of roster waivers to reduce paperwork.

On the question of whether persons with contagious diseases should be
forbidden to work in the kitchen at an event, the Legal Committee believes
that a distinction should be made between whether the disease is
transmissible through food preparation or not. Persons with HIV or herpes,
for example, may be perfectly fine to work in the kitchen, while persons
with hepatitis or a cold should not.

Executive Session

Director Fernando Vigil was absent for part of Executive Session. His
absence is noted on those items of business for which he was not present.

1. Society Seneschal Applications

The Board appointed George Reed (Master Aaron Faheud Swiftrunner of the
Stone Keep), of the Middle Kingdom, to be the next Society Seneschal. His
term will begin at the conclusion of the April 2004 quarterly meeting, when
the current Society Seneschal's term ends.

2. Laurel King of Arms Applications

As all the applicants for the position withdrew their names from
consideration, the call for applications for the position of Laurel
Sovereign of Arms have been reopened. Applications are due by October 1,

3. Robert Earl Hogan (Ælfric of the Black Arrow) - absolute banishment

Motion by Gary Raine to uphold the absolute banishment of Robert Earl Hogan
(Ælfric of the Black Arrow) imposed by Davin and Groa, King and Queen of An
Tir, on May 17, 2003. Seconded by Lis Schraer. In favor: Dena Cady, Gary
Raine, Lis Schraer, Hal Simon, Beth Morris Tanner. Opposed: none. Absent:
Fernando Vigil. Motion carried.

Chairman Moore directed the Society Seneschal to begin an investigation into
revocation and denial of membership of Mr. Hogan.

4. Richmond Slate - banishment from the realm

Motion by Gary Raine to uphold the banishment of the realm of Richmond Slate
imposed by Giles and EzaBella, King and Queen of Drachenwald, on January 3,
2003.  Seconded by Hal Simon. In favor: Dena Cady, Gary Raine, Lis Schraer,
Hal Simon, Beth Morris Tanner. Opposed: none.  Absent: Fernando Vigil.
Motion carried.

Chairman Moore directed the Society Seneschal to begin an investigation into
revocation and denial of membership of Mr. Slate.

5. Tracy Donaldson (Hendrick von Guggenheim) - absolute banishment

Director Gary Raine recused himself from voting on this item.

Motion by Dena Cady to uphold the absolute banishment of Tracy Donaldson
(Hendrick von Guggenheim) imposed by Odo and Elena, King and Queen of
Trimaris, on May 25, 2003.  Seconded by Beth Morris Tanner. In favor: Dena
Cady, Lis Schraer, Hal Simon, Beth Morris Tanner. Opposed: none. Absent:
Fernando Vigil. Recused: Gary Raine. Motion carried.

Chairman Moore directed the Society Seneschal to begin an investigation into
revocation and denial of membership of Mr. Donaldson.

6. Stephanie Goodfellow (Morag the Wanderer)  - absolute banishment

Chairman Moore ruled that this item is remanded to the October meeting due
to incomplete documentation. 

7. Michael Grant (Michael O'Gaullee) - absolute banishment

Motion by Lis Schraer to uphold the absolute banishment of Michael Grant
(Michael O'Gaullee) imposed by Logan and Isabel, King and Queen of Atlantia,
on February 8, 2003.  Seconded by Gary Raine. In favor: Dena Cady, Gary
Raine, Lis Schraer, Hal Simon, Beth Morris Tanner. Opposed: none. Absent:
Fernando Vigil. Motion carried.

An investigation into revocation and denial of membership is already under

8. Paul Serio (Aonghais dubh Mac Tarbh) - request for revocation and denial
of membership and removal of titles

Gary Raine recused himself from voting on this issue. 

Motion by Fernando Vigil that, in keeping with the petition of the Crown,
Peers, and Officers of Trimaris, the Society Seneschal is directed to begin
an investigation into the possible revocation and denial of membership of
Paul Serio (Aonghais dubh Mac Tarbh). Seconded by Lis Schraer. In favor:
Dena Cady, Lis Schraer, Hal Simon, Beth Morris Tanner, Fernando Vigil.
Opposed: none.  Recused:  Gary Raine. Motion carried.

The request for removal of titles will be considered after the report of the
Society Seneschal is received.

9. Jeffery Wilson (Eachann Mac Gille Fhaolain) - absolute banishment and
revocation/denial of membership

Director Gary Raine recused himself from discussion and voting on this item.

Motion by Fernando Vigil to uphold the absolute banishment of Jeffery Miles
Wilson (Eachann Mac Gille Fhaolain) imposed by Odo and Elena, King and Queen
of Trimaris, on May 25, 2003.  Seconded by Lis Schraer. In favor: Dena Cady,
Lis Schraer, Hal Simon, Beth Morris Tanner, Fernando Vigil. Opposed: none.
Recused: Gary Raine. Motion carried.

Motion by Fernando Vigil to revoke and deny the membership of Jeffery Miles
Wilson (Eachann Mac Gille Fhaolain) effective July 19, 2003. Seconded by Hal
Simon. In favor: Dena Cady, Lis Schraer, Hal Simon, Beth Morris Tanner,
Fernando Vigil.  Opposed: none.  Recused: Gary Raine. Motion carried.

10. Chad Crowley (Geoffrey MacAllister) - revocation and denial of

Motion by Fernando Vigil to revoke and deny the membership of Chad Crowley
(Geoffrey MacAllister) effective July 19, 2003. Seconded by Beth Morris
Tanner. In favor: Dena Cady, Gary Raine, Lis Schraer, Hal Simon, Beth Morris
Tanner, Fernando Vigil. Chairman Linda Moore exercised her option to vote
and did so in favor of the motion. Opposed: none.  Motion carried.

11. Charles Schultz Pierce (Jarnakar Gutherosson)  - revocation and denial
of membership

Director Gary Raine recused himself from voting on this item.

Motion by Fernando Vigil to revoke and deny the membership of Charles
Schultz Pierce (Jarnakar Gutherosson) effective July 19, 2003. Seconded by
Dena Cady. In favor: Dena Cady, Lis Schraer, Hal Simon, Beth Morris Tanner,
Fernando Vigil.  Opposed: none.  Recused: Gary Raine. Motion carried.

12. Inquiry into the actions of Rick and Marie Feyes (Yoan Moon Yang and
Eórann Maguire)

Director Gary Raine recused himself from discussion and voting on this item.

Motion by Dena Cady to restrict Rick Feyes and Marie Feyes (Yoan Moon Yang
and Eórann Maguire) from fighting or being fought for in Crown or Coronet
tournaments, or from holding office or acting as an event steward, for a
period of two years, effective July 19, 2003. Seconded by Beth Morris. In
favor: Dena Cady, Lis Schraer, Hal Simon, Beth Morris Tanner, Fernando
Vigil.  Opposed: none.  Recused: Gary Raine. Motion carried.

Personnel Changes

This was the final meeting for Director Beth Morris. Real-world
considerations made it necessary for her to resign her seat one quarter
early. The Chairman offered words of thanks for her service to the SCA as a
Director, and a gift was presented.

The new Director-Elect is Jason Williams (Duke John ap Gwyndaf of
Holdingford), of the Kingdom of Caid. He will assume his seat at the close
of the October 2003 quarterly meeting in the usual manner. 

As the standard six-month probationary period was up for both Dena Cady and
Fernando Vigil, the Directors voted to confirm both of these Directors for
the remainder of their terms.

This meeting also marked the end of an era, as Andrew Smith left his
position as Secretary of the SCA Inc. Many Directors and officers offered
their thanks for his service. A gift was presented. Andrew made a final
speech to all assembled, and presented a warrant for himself for the
Directors' signature. He is now warranted as a Respected Elder Statesman.

New Ombudsman assignments are as follows:

Linda Moore: President, Executive Vice President for Legal Affairs, Society
Seneschal, Corporate Office, Legal Committee, Trimaris

Dena Cady: Caid, Lochac, West, Chirurgeon, Communications

Gary Raine: An Tir, Calontir, Heralds, Chief Information Architect,

Lis Schraer:  Atlantia, Ealdormere, Drachenwald, Arts & Sciences, Board

Hal Simon: Development, Atenveldt, Artemisia, Outlands, Grand Council,

Fernando Vigil: AEthelmearc, East, Middle, Financial Officers, Marshal

Quarterly Meeting Schedule

The Fourth Quarter 2003 meeting will be held October 18, 2003 at the Crowne
Plaza Hotel in Milpitas, California.
The First Quarter 2004 meeting will be held on January 24, 2004, in Kansas
City, MO (Kingdom of Calontir).
The Second Quarter 2004 meeting will be held on April 24, 2004, in Tampa,
Florida (Kingdom of Trimaris).
The Third Quarter 2004 meeting will be held July 17, 2004. The tentative
location is the Kingdom of the East.
The Fourth Quarter 2004 meeting will be held October 16, 2004. The tentative
location is the Kingdom of Ealdormere.
The First Quarter 2005 meeting will be held January 15, 2005. The tentative
location is the Kingdom of Ansteorra. 
Comments are strongly encouraged and can be sent to: 
SCA Inc.
Box 360789
Milpitas,  CA 95036

You may also email comments at sca.org or reply to this message.
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