[Ansteorra-announce] Stargate Bardic Championship--How Non-Performers Can Receive Largess!

Snorri Hallsson snorri at houston.rr.com
Thu Nov 20 02:39:48 PST 2003

Greetings to all and apologies for multiple posts:

The Barony of Stargate is hosting their annual Yule Revel on Saturday,
December 13, at Christ Memorial Lutheran Church in Houston.  Details about
this event can be found in the Black Star and also online via the Kingdom

As the outgoing Bard of Stargate, it is my pleasure to invite all to compete
for the right to become a champion of the premier barony in Ansteorra.  Last
year's competition was of one of the highest calibers seen in these lands
and it is with your participation that this year's may be all last year's
was and more.

All who wish to compete for the title are requested to forward a letter of
intent to Their Excellencies prior to the beginning of the competition.
Letters of intent will be accepted at Yule Revel until the start of the

The competition itself will ask for your three best pieces in at least two
different disciplines (story, song, poem, instrumental, etc.).  The judges
will give special consideration to:

-  historical pieces from late-period Italy and France
-  original pieces telling Stargate or Ansteorran history
-  any piece with accompanying written documentation

In addition to the championship itself, there will be largess presented for
the best written documentation, as well as for the populace's choice as the
single best performance of the day.  Members of the populace will receive a
voting slip at gate; to vote, simply write the performer and piece on the
slip, along with your own name, and place it in the ballot box.

Why are we asking for you to sign your name on the voting slip, you may
wonder?  Because that evening we will draw from all the votes we receive and
that lucky person will receive a largess basket of their very own, just for
supporting the performing arts in Stargate and in Ansteorra!  The
centerpiece of this "patron's prize" is a set of two tankards crafted by
Lord Thomas atte Wood, who created the magnificent carved throne that won
highest honors at last February's Kingdom A&S.

So come one, come all, come compete or just listen.  The competition is mere
weeks away, and there is wordfame and largess to be had by all!

Lord Snorri Hallsson
Stargate's Bardic Champion

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