[Ansteorra-announce] re: [Sound Advice to Ansteorrans]

Adam Seymour Adam_Seymour at thebaronsmen.org
Thu Apr 29 06:32:44 PDT 2004

Good Ritter Dieterich,

I do most assuredly thank thee for thy instructions regarding how one may 
patron Ansteorra's finest company of actors, known as The Baron's Men, but 
thou dids't fail to mention that any such monies sent to the troupe should 
be made out to my clerck, one Cherie Weed (a fine lass of uncompromising 
devotion to God no matter what the good ritter may think of theatre people). 

I also thank thee most kindly, Ritter Dieterich for thy recommendation of 
our production of The Merry Wives of Windsor. Given the respect that thy 
word commands in this kingdom, we're sure to draw a fine crowd this Saturday 
at Crown Tournament!

Your Most Sincerely,
A. Seymour
Proprietor, Aster Theatre

-----Original Message-----
From: ansteorra-announce2-bounces at ansteorra.org [mailto:ansteorra-announce2-
bounces at ansteorra.org] On Behalf Of Casey and Cherie
Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2004 8:11 PM
To: David Jurgens; ansteorra-announce at ansteorra.org
Subject: [Ansteorra-announce] Sound Advice to Ansteorrans

How to become a patron of "The Baron's Men"Good Your Exellency,

SHAME BE ON YOU, SIR!!  Despite the fact that my knave-of-a-tailor drags my 
name regularly through the stews of Ansteorra in his nightly wanderings, I 
am most assuredly *NOT* associated with that disrepuatable group of thinly 
cloaked thieves... that disgusting and irreverent pack of players... The 
Barons Men!   My man Hanse, against my *express* orders, has decided to 
congress with that aforementioned pack of poxed purveyors of smut and filth, 
and I say that you offer them monetary support not only at the risk of your 
wallet but also of your Catholic soul.  Having heard report of their latest 
display of theatric inability, I fear that even your good ladies most 
virtuous heart will turn as black as coal if she should see it.  I fear and 
weep for our dear Kingdom 

Your Loving Brother,


P.S.  If you still endeavor to take this risk, you may simply render your 
Baronies sweat-drenched cash to Hanses current totty, Lucy, before the 
performance, or send it to:

The Barons Men
1900 S. West Dr
Leander, TX 78641
  To: caseyandcherie at cox-internet.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2004 4:53 PM
  Subject: How to become a patron of "The Baron's Men"

  Greetings Brother, 

  I have heard that you are associated with "The Baron's Men."  If this is 
correct, could you please send me the information about becoming a patron.  
I would like to make sure that my Lady Wife and I get seats appropriate to 
Landed Nobility at the upcoming performances.

  Last years good harvest and taxes collected at our last festival will 
allow for a generous donation. 

  I look forward to seeing you at Crown Tournament. 


  Sir Anonymous

  Baron of Stargate 
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