[Ansteorra-announce] Thank You!

Sue Delk ladydds at centex.net
Tue Jun 29 14:21:26 PDT 2004

Greetings, mighty and generous populace of Ansteorra!!

    This is a general "thank you" to those groups and households that have pledged donations for waterbearing at AAA.  This is a big burden off of me, and I am reassured that our populace will be hydrated at our 25th year celebration!!  
    If you have been saving 2-liter soda bottles and pop tops, please bring them to the main chirurgeon/security point (the bandstand) and you will get placed in the competition for the most bottles brought!  I have a prize for the household/individual who brings the most.
    A word on getting ready for AAA-- please remember that it will be HOT.  If you live in an air-conditioned house, drive an air-conditioned car, and work in an air-conditioned office, you will have trouble acclimating to the heat.  Please keep hydrated even  before you come to the event.  Start drinking your 8 glasses of water today, and you will be properly pre-hydrated for the event.  At the event, you need to drink about 1.5 liters of water an hour (more if you are fighting) to stay ahead of what you are sweating away.  Treating dehydration and heat sickness is much harder than preventing it. 
    Many thanks in advance to all those folks who will help volunteer for waterbearing at AAA.  I look forward to seeing everyone there!

In service,
Lady Genevieve del Gamba
Kingdom Waterbearer

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