[Sca-cooks] Fadalat: Stuffed Eggs

Lilinah lilinah at earthlink.net
Thu Sep 6 10:20:52 PDT 2007

Here's another Stuffed Egg recipe to add to the slim group of them (i 
recall the Anon.Andalus., Platina, & a German one...). This has 
similarities with the Anon.Andalus. but differences as well:

Otro plato (de huevos rellenos)

Coges la cantidad que quieras de huevos y los colocas, sin cascar, en 
una olla con agua sola, ponie'ndose a la lumbre. Cuando este'n 
cocidos y cuajados los sacas y  los dejas en agua fri'a para que se 
enfri'en. Luego los pelas y los cortas con un hilo por la mitad, a lo 
ancho. Sacas con cuidado las yemas y las pones en un plato. Les echas 
sal molida, con mesura, pimienta, jengibre, canela, clavo, 
espicanardi y un poco de alma'ciga, o, si quieres, en vez de todo 
esto, un poco de agua de cilantro verde y de hierbabuena. Amasas las 
yemas con las especias, bien amasadas, con la mano, hasta que quedan 
mezcladas. Luego formas a modo de yemas con la pasta, las vuelves a 
poner en su sitio, en las mitades de los huevos vaci'os, y los 
sujetas con un hilo limpio para que no se separen unas mitades de 
otras, o los atraviesas con una ramita fina de ore'gano, hasta que 
quedan como los huevos de antes. Los rebozas con clara de huevo y 
flor de harina. Cuando acabes de todo esto, coges una sarte'n limpia, 
le echas aceite bueno y cuando hierva pones los huevos, procurando 
que no se separen unas partes de otras; los fri'es y las vuelta con 
cuidado hasta que se doran. Entonces los sacas, los pones en la 
vasija que quieras y los comes, regados de canela.

Another Dish (of stuffed eggs)

Take the amount you want of eggs and place them, without cracking, in 
a pot with water only, putting it on the fire. When they are cooked 
and coagulated/set, take them out and leave them in cold water so 
that they cool off.
Next peel them and cut them with a thread in half, widthwise. Extract 
with care the yolks and put them on a plate. Cast ground salt into 
them, with moderation, pepper, ginger, cinnamon, clove, spikenard, 
and a little mastic, or, if you want, instead of all this, a little 
water of green coriander and mint. Knead the yolks with spices, well 
kneaded, by hand (with the hand), until they are mixed. Next form 
"egg yolks" with the paste, return them to put them in their place, 
the halves of the empty eggs (i.e., the egg white halves), and hold 
with a clean thread so that one half does not separate from the 
other, or put through them a small stalk of oregano, until they stay 
like the eggs before. Roll in egg white and fine flour. When you 
finish of all this, take a clean frying pan, cast good oil into it 
and when it boils you put in the eggs, trying not to separate one 
part from the other; fry them and turn them with care until they are 
golden. Then take them out, put them in the vessel that you want and 
eat them, sprinkled with cinnamon.

Again, i know i'm being rather literal, but i want this to sound like 
a Medieval recipe, not a 21st C. recipe. Since Medieval English 
recipes say to "cast" ingredients into pots, that's what i've used 
instead of a more "modern" term.

What is the special shape of an "olla"?
What is the special shape of a "sopera"?
What is the special shape of a medieval "sarte'n"?

In checking a couple Spanish dictionaries, it appears that the 
historical meaning of "vasija" is "vessel", while the modern meaning 
is "dish".
Urtatim (that's err-tah-TEEM)
the persona formerly known as Anahita

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