[Sca-cooks] Feast nightmare

Stefan li Rous stefanlirous at austin.rr.com
Mon Jan 12 00:26:03 PST 2009

<<< We had 4 events canceled when Hurricane Ike came through the  
Texas Gulf coast.  One of them was 3 weeks after the hurricane and  
was canceled due to damage to the site.  However, the 2 events that  
were canceled the weekend of the hurricane, were both large feasts.   
One of the groups was just freezing everything to use in the spring.   
The other group I'm not sure what they did.
Maria >>>

Yes. We had planned to go to the Laurel's Prize Tourney at the Shire  
of Seawinds (Corpus Christi) but it got cancelled because of the  
incoming hurricane. (hey, what's a little water...) So we decided to  
go to another event that weekend, and that too got cancelled because  
of the hurricane. Sometimes you can't win.

With the money troubles that this cancelled event probably caused  
Seawinds we were trying to not schedule our Baronial Fall Event (and  
our 30th Year Anniversary) on the same weekend as their next event,  
since we are only a couple of hours from them. But the kingdom  
calendar was tight this year especially with some re-alignment of  
Crown Tournies and such and apparently political alliances between  
various barons made a conflict with the other barony's event even  
more of a problem. I guess you need to have your local baron and the  
baronial guard at your own baronial event and not off fighting in  
another barony...

THLord Stefan li Rous    Barony of Bryn Gwlad    Kingdom of Ansteorra
    Mark S. Harris           Austin, Texas           
StefanliRous at austin.rr.com
**** See Stefan's Florilegium files at:  http://www.florilegium.org ****

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