[Sca-cooks] First Recipe from Libro di cucina/ Libro per cuoco, in parts

David Friedman ddfr at daviddfriedman.com
Fri Feb 12 13:14:13 PST 2010

It must have been known in the U.S. in the forties as well, since my 
sister, who was born in 1943, suffered from it as an infant. By the 
account I heard, bananas were pretty much all she could eat. Due to 
wartime price control and related problems, they were not readily 
available, so my father spent a lot of time at the docks looking for 
people with bananas they were willing to sell him.

>A possible reason for the increase is the FDA and AMA finally 
>recognizing celiac disease when Europe has known about it since the 
>1940s and earlier. I remember clearly the annoucement being read out 
>loud in 2003 that FDA acknowledge celiac disease. This annoucement 
>was made at a celiac disease conference in LA!
>------Original Message------
>From: Antonia Calvo
>Sender: sca-cooks-bounces+yaini0625=yahoo.com at lists.ansteorra.org
>To: Cooks within the SCA
>ReplyTo: Cooks within the SCA
>Subject: Re: [Sca-cooks] First Recipe from Libro di cucina/ Libro 
>per cuoco,in parts
>Sent: Feb 11, 2010 4:21 PM
>Margaret Rendell wrote:
>>  I also really should have added that it's much easier now to find 
>>maize flour than it used to be even a small number of years ago. 
>>What is it with the sudden explosion in 'gluten-free' products?
>Well, there are some people out there with coeliac disease (you knew
>that, of course), and I think they may be getting diagnosed more
>efficiently than they did years ago. But "gluten sensitive" is also the
>latest fad for people with vaguely discontented tummies and a yen for
>self-diagnosis.  Ten years ago, they were all lactose-intolerant.
>Antonia di Benedetto Calvo
>Habeo metrum - musicamque,
>hominem meam. Expectat alium quid?
>-Georgeus Gershwinus
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David Friedman

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