[Sca-cooks] Broken brawn recipe?

Alexander Clark alexbclark at pennswoods.net
Wed Sep 11 10:16:56 PDT 2013

On Mon, 09 Sep 2013 18:03:25 -0400, Johnna Holloway <johnnae at mac.com> wrote:
>How did I know you could read the original? Bold guess ?!? The handwriting is a chore but the enlargement feature helps. Can you imagine how many years of her life Constance Hieatt spent reading manuscripts like these?(This is why I prefer printed books myself. Easier on the eyes.)
>I have placed Hieatt's version under yours if there are differences.

And there are indeed differences. Did Hieatt have another source for
the recipe to collate with this one?

This is my current version, with any "r" abbreviation without a vowel
being given an "e".

	_Brawn ryal brawn cypres brawn bruse_
Take fresch brawn boyle hit in fayre watyr till hit be tend[er]
blaunche almondys greynd hem draw hem up with the same broth & a
p[er]ty of wyn as hote as thu may than make thi milke hote & do thy
brawn in a strayno[r] hot & draw hit with the mylke hott do ther to
sygure a grete dele venyger set hit on the fyre boyle hit salt hit do
hit in a vessel when hit ys cold yf thu now3te haue hit out of the
vessel with out hote waty[r] or a 3enst the fire lay a cloth in a bord
& turne the vessell topsodowne ther on & schak the vessell that hit
falle oute cut ther in the lech & serue hit forthe iij or iiij in a
dysch & strew on poudyr of gyng[er] or pary[d] gyng[er] mynsyd with
anneyce clouys macys & anneys in comfite yf thu wilt thu may draw som
ther of with the same broth & with a p[er]ty of wyne with out mylke
coloure as bryght as lambur with eny colour saf saffron heu? when hit
ys cold & floresch that othir ther with or els thu mayst cut
-that-other- hit in leches as thu doste that othyr & serue hit forth
in same man[er] or thu may turne hit in othir colour yf thu wilt haue
a grene draw hit with mylke of almond[s] in to a morter & safron ther
with or els put safron when hit ys growndyn muche or lytyll after thu
wylt make thi colour & colour hit ther with when thu takyst hit from
the fyre & do ther with as thu dedyst with the todyr and yf thu wilt
thu may do ther yn poudres or thu may put ther yn a grete quantyte of
canell & of gynger & of sawndres to make hit brown & serue hit forthe
in the same manner Or yf thu wilt thu may take tursele & wesch hit &
grind hit well in wyn that thu sesonnste hit up with and when hit ys
boylyd coloure hit up with bloure? sangueyn whethir thu wilt & do
there with as thu dedist with the tothyr or thu may if thu wilt when
thu takyst hit fro [th]e fyre & haue al seson hit haue brawn sodyn
tendyr & when hit ys cold cut hit in leches or dyse hit & cast hit in
the pott & stere hit to gedyr & put hit in to that othyr -pott-
vessell when hit ys cold lech hit & do therwith as thu dodyst with
that othir & serue hit forth


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