September 1997 Archives by thread
Starting: Mon Sep 1 01:44:22 PDT 1997
Ending: Tue Sep 30 23:19:10 PDT 1997
Messages: 687
- No subject
Tim Lozos
- ANST - Shadowlands 20th
Tim Lozos
- ANST - Gothic War
harry billings
- ANST - News of Sir Theo of Mightrinwood
Mark Wallace
- ANST - Alexandrian Women's Sympsium
Tim Lozos
- ANST - E-mail address needed
- ANST - Very Important
Liz Allen
Scott White
- ANST - Goof Toobs
Baronman at
- ANST - Virus Hoax
Phillip Stallcup
- ANST - Gulf War Favors
Martha Lee Nichols
- ANST - Nasty Ballista in A&S
Scott White
- ANST - seeking a member...
Charlene Charette
- ANST - Gulf War Details
Carl John Hess
- ANST - suscribe and suscribe hist needlework
- ANST - Whips in the SCA????
LdAlexndr at
- ANST - Motel accommadations For Defender XV
Paul Gilbert
- ANST - New noncombat topic
Mjccmc01 at
- ANST - Virus warning is a hoax
Froebel at
- ANST - Whips in the SCA
Mark Harris
- ANST - Ideas for a new style A&S c
Mark Harris
- ANST - Face Protection
J'lynn Yeates
- ANST - a call for scribes
- ANST - test
Connie Carroll
- ANST - Looking for Sir Hugh?
Mark Wallace
- ANST - Laurel Bards
Gunnora Hallakarva
- ANST - Hengist Wants Men
Gunnora Hallakarva
- ANST - Brunanburgh
Gunnora Hallakarva
- ANST - In agreement
- ANST - Demo opportunity
- ANST - Tennis Balls
Don Wilkinson
- ANST - Texas Medieval Association
Gunnora Hallakarva
- ANST - Theo update
Deborah Wooten by way of Burke McCrory <burkemc at>
- ANST - dbackli at Re: [TY] Fencing in Meridies (fwd)
Catherine R Popalisky
- ANST - Overlooked at Arts and Sciences
Gunnora Hallakarva
- ANST - Celtic Music Festival
- ANST - Overlooked & Overworked at A&S
Heidi Torres
- ANST - new noncombatant topic
Gunnora Hallakarva
- ANST - Clergy in Ansteorra?
- ANST - New noncombat topic -Reply
Norman White
- ANST - Paper making
Paul Gilbert
- ANST - A&S Judging Suggestions
Carl John Hess
- ANST - New noncombat to
Mark Harris
- ANST - Why A&S Gets Ignored
Gunnora Hallakarva
- ANST - A&S Judging Sugg
Mark Harris
- ANST - Righto
- ANST - A&S judging? <kinda long>
Keith Duke
- ANST - New noncombat --Virus
Angelina Whitford
- ANST - New question
V. Allan Endel
- ANST - Overlooked A&S Displays - What Do You Do?
Gunnora Hallakarva
- ANST - Greetings unto local newsle
Mark Harris
- ANST - Why A&S Gets Ign
Mark Harris
- ANST - Question for Laurels and Iris of Merit holders
Lord Larkin O'Kane
- ANST - Re- ANST-- No Vir
Mark Harris
- ANST - ccMail SMTPLINK Undeliverable Message
- ANST - lost, stray at Queens
harry billings
- ANST - Admin: Apology...
Pug Bainter
- ANST - Pitor
Scott White
- ANST - Email
Michael F. Gunter
- ANST - Oops.
Michael F. Gunter
- ANST - Post Goes Pagan: Odin Retires, Puzzled
Dennis and/or Dory Grace
- ANST - repeat posts
Dennis and/or Dory Grace
- ANST - infected attachments
Dennis and/or Dory Grace
- ANST - Hossein
Keith Ewing
- ANST - Re: Thistle for treason
Donald Walker
- ANST - Question for Lau
Mark Harris
- ANST - Shadowlands 20th Year
harry billings
- ANST - Kenewick Man and Asatru
Gunnora Hallakarva
- ANST - New Ansteorran Rules
Ghislaine Fontaneau/Elayne Hoover
- ANST - Bye.
JulieAnna D. Rohde
- ANST - address request
Michael F. Gunter
- ANST - Death Notice
I. Marc Carlson
- ANST - Another sad day...
LadyAnnais at
- ANST - Master Blackfox
Theo Wooten by way of Burke McCrory <burkemc at>
- ANST - Feast reservations for Defender XV
Paul Gilbert
- ANST - In memory of...
Faramond Darkfox
- ANST - Stefan's files for October
Mark Harris
- ANST - In Memoriam--William Blackfox
Burke McCrory
- ANST - The Honorable Brotherhood of Brewers and Vintners
Owenstot at
- ANST - Chroniclers E-mail needed
- ANST - Siege Ammo
Don Wilkinson
- ANST - [SCA-CHR] Master William Blackfox
Sarah Rogers
- ANST - FW: Information on William Blackfox
Jerry Herring
- ANST - Of William Blackfox
Gunnora Hallakarva
- ANST - Metal Casting
Gunnora Hallakarva
- ANST - Blackfox Tribute page...
Pug Bainter
- ANST - Sir Galen of Bristol
Don Wilkinson
- ANST - Update on Blackfox services
I. Marc Carlson
- ANST - [Fwd: Fwd: Hawaiian Good Luck totem]
alba4me at
- ANST - Master William Blackfox - Funeral Service Information
Burke McCrory
- ANST - FW: [gdh] In Memoriam: William Blackfox <Poetry>
Jim Pryor
- ANST - Blackfox Services Set, please forward
I. Marc Carlson
- ANST - Farewell
by way of Burke McCrory <burkemc at>
- ANST - Hossein Update
Burke McCrory
- ANST - Blackfox Photos
Burke McCrory
- ANST - Sumptuary laws (lots o' stuff)
Dennis Grace
- ANST - looking for Badon
Charlene Charette
- ANST - Indian Clothing, Food, and Culture
William Fisher
- ANST - Byzantine
Dottie Elliott
- ANST - Defender - Dieter's knighting
Charlene Charette
- ANST - emblazon help
Mitchell, Paul (DALLAS)
- ANST - RE: Indian Clothing, Food, and Culture
Angelina Whitford
- ANST - Footwear of the Middle Ages
I. Marc Carlson
- ANST - Sumptuary laws (
Mark Harris
- ANST - Qatar Bound - NOT
Gregory R. Gagnon
- ANST - Book Review - Between Two Worlds
njones at
- ANST - more Byzantine info.
Mark Harris
- ANST - TI Question
Gunnora Hallakarva
- ANST - Period Quotes Discussing Books and Libraries
Gunnora Hallakarva
- ANST - Elfsea Defender Tourney, Sept. 26-28
Mitchell, Paul (DALLAS)
- ANST - songbook at (Catherine R Popalisky): dbackli at [TY] Final Version of Meridian Rapier Combat Handbook (fwd)
Kateryn Heathrydge
- ANST - Herald's Handbook
stddly at
- ANST - Cuir Boilii (sp?)
Amy Kruckemeyer
- ANST - Cuir Boilii (sp?
Mark Harris
- ANST - Request for game
Michael F. Gunter
- ANST - Highlander Spoof
Faramond Darkfox
- ANST - Re: Master Willaim Blackfox - Memorial Service
by way of Burke McCrory <burkemc at>
- ANST - Beads
- ANST - Museums
Heidi Torres
- ANST - SCA Handbook
Jeanne Newman
- ANST - New E-mail List Established for Ansteorran Laurels
Gunnora Hallakarva
- ANST - Bryn Gwlad Scribes's Guild
Dennis and/or Dory Grace
- ANST - Subscribing to Ansteorra Laurels' Mailing List
Gunnora Hallakarva
- ANST - Re: Master William Blackfox - Memorial Service/Donations
claryce at
- ANST - My thanks.
- ANST - New E-mail List E
Mark Harris
- ANST - Re: Pegasus Publishing
Lord Larkin O'Kane
- ANST - caber toss
Scott White
- ANST - Stargate's Ivory Tower A&S Magazine
- ANST - "Chivalry's Challenge"
Kathy Lee
- ANST - Announced Elevations
stddly at
- ANST - Dieterich's knighting
Pat St. Jean
- ANST - Rolls Ethereal
Terry Good
- ANST - Gulf Wars VII Web page is up
- ANST - peerages
Mark Harris
- ANST - Elfsea Defender Tourney & Galen's Pelican Ceremony
Mitchell, Paul (DALLAS)
- ANST - Byzantine Emperor
Mark Harris
- ANST - Order of the Pel
Mark Harris
- ANST - Lost Photos At Defender XV
Paul Gilbert
- ANST - triplepeerages
Tim Lozos
- ANST - What is a Peerage
Erik Langhans
- ANST - Re: Blackfox - Charity Donations
LadyAnnais at
- ANST - The Ansteorra Laurels' List
Gunnora Hallakarva
- ANST - Proteges, Squires, Apprentices
Mitchell, Paul (DALLAS)
- ANST - Proteges, Squires, Apprentices
Bill Sholar
- ANST - Proteges, Squires, Apprentices
- ANST - Proteges, Squires, Apprentices
cward at
- ANST - Proteges, Squires, Apprentices
cward at
- ANST - Proteges, Squires, Apprentices
Elizabeth Zimmerman
- ANST - Pelican Info
Keith Ewing
- ANST - Relationships
Tim Lozos
- ANST - Unashamed Plug
Gregory R. Gagnon
- ANST - info for necomers
Mark Harris
- ANST - Rules Draft 09/26/97
James Crouchet
- ANST - Samhain
Faramond Darkfox
- ANST - Welsh BANNED From CompuServe!!
Shane B.
- ANST - An invitation to Smithfield
Chris and Elisabeth Zakes
- ANST - Centurion E-Mail
Richard L. Rohde
- ANST - Test..
Pug Bainter
- ANST - FWD>Medieval knitting
Mark Harris
- ANST - Bryn Gwlad's Fall Harvest Festival
Angus mac Taggart / Rik Packham
- ANST - The list??
Burke McCrory
- ANST - TRF passes: How to get them
David R. Hoffpauir
- ANST - Houppelande documentation
Scot Eddy
- ANST - Thanks
Mitchell, Paul (DALLAS)
- ANST - Cooks Guild Meeting
- ANST - Troubadours was Bill de Provence
Deborah Sweet
- ANST - Bardic Circle material
Steven D. Patenaude
- ANST - Wink, wink...
- ANST - Houppelande docum
Mark Harris
- ANST - Bardic Circle mat
Mark Harris
Last message date:
Tue Sep 30 23:19:10 PDT 1997
Archived on: Fri May 29 19:10:31 PDT 2015
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